Eating animals

Posted by Tumetsu on Oct. 27, 2006, 10:39 a.m.

Heh, I had problems to invent good name for this blog, because it'a about my new game idea what don't have any name yet.

Ok. The game would been mix of Pokemon, maybe Tamagotchi, but will be survivor rpg. Confusing, eh?

Well, let me explain.

Yóu are one of those strange creatures. In world of these creatures, only way of surviving is eating others and getting stronger. That means battles what would be real time battles something like Tales of Symphonya haves. So forget Pokemon battlesystem.

If you win and you eat your enemy, you will get exp and if you are lucky, you can learn one of eaten creature's skills/attacks. And if you are really lucky, you can get crystal what turns you that kind creature permanently until you get new different crystal. When you have been transformed, your stats and skill and that stuff will grow differently depended what creature class you are. So creatures are little like certain RPG's class system. I don't know yet, will it be possible to "hire" or "tame" other creatures what you can also use in battle.

Game can also be somekind breeding game with eating concept =D not so sure yet. Developing idea now…

I don't know will make this. Just idea. =)


DFortun81 18 years, 3 months ago

Hm… Interesting.