Hey so I was reading on Nighthawk's page something about whispers…. And I guess I'll try it to.
In other news are we allowed to marquee our hit message or not, because I know the code.so here we go….Whipering to every one….have a good day and sorry if you didn't get a real whisper…comment and I'll add you.Also I'm taking a poll like thing of my own…What is better?A: ~B: GC: QD: XE: otherHAPPY, PY?take your time.. and may the ~ be with you….Also it turns out that I'm going to Canada and will be gone from Thursday till next Thursday so the poll will close the day I get back hope to not miss much!BYE!
… Einstein was a genius, but he probably didn't have 100% correct grammar, nor am I asking you to. I'm just asking you to have at least some grammar. No, I want to vote T, your poll is bad.
You're so cool, PY :D.
PY, read the choices again……
….….…. HAPPY! >:<i vote E : E
Guys, did no-one notice? He said "Canada".
Slightly happier.
Your and You're annoy me, because not only is it only two keystrokes saved, you also bastardise the English language, and end up looking like an idiot who can't spell. Don't get me started on Apostrophes, which thankfully you aren't too bad at. I'm a Grammar crusader, fighting for the survival of English.BITCH ITS EASY!I guess it'd be bad form to fix the grammar of a meme. IT'S