Whispers to all ! (that I know of)

Posted by USFL MOPEY on July 9, 2008, 7:05 a.m.

Hey so I was reading on Nighthawk's page something about whispers…. And I guess I'll try it to.

In other news are we allowed to marquee our hit message or not, because I know the code.

so here we go….

Whipering to every one….have a good day and sorry if you didn't get a real whisper…comment and I'll add you.

Also I'm taking a poll like thing of my own…

What is better?

A: ~

B: G

C: Q

D: X

E: other


take your time.. and may the ~ be with you….

Also it turns out that I'm going to Canada and will be gone from Thursday till next Thursday so the poll will close the day I get back hope to not miss much!



PY 16 years, 8 months ago

Yes, memes are somewhat exempt from regular rules and practices.

They are akin to words of their own. <3

Arcalyth 16 years, 8 months ago

In other news are we allowed to marquee our hit message or not, because I know the code.
Go ahead and try. HTML is disabled.

s 16 years, 8 months ago

So it was all looking good between ~ and X until G came along and bypassed them by infinity

uglyman 16 years, 7 months ago

CCDM is my alias! :O

I vote:
