immigration issues

Posted by V on April 3, 2006, 1:35 a.m.

this was posted in mahfreenamee's topic on the immigration laws. i felt that it would be more noticable if i made my own blog talking about this. this will also point out the meaning of these laws and why they are being made, fr those who are currently clueless on the subject.

if u guys want to know WHY exactly he's making this law, simply because of how simply it is to get inside of the u.S. frankly, these people simply think it is a racist move, when it infact ISN'T. our protection to the south, simply is not protected well enough, and a terrorist could simply sail over there with ease and take out whatever it is he wanted. alot of people aren't thinking about the benifits of this. most of the people that were protesting were most likely illegal immigrants, and they knew that they would be soon deported. what most of them have forgotten is the fact that EVEN if you're an illegal immigrant, and u have a child born on U.S. land, then they can't touch you. most don't know that. back to the first reason, it was designed to keep any potential threats outside of the country. nobody thinks about that. we wouldn't have marajuana or cocqaine problems if we simply buckled down and started getting a clue, that we simply have our immigration laws too relaxed to a point where another 9/11 could happen with ease. fact of the mater is, is that bush is opening his eyes now, and is starting to see how insicure we truly are. *phew* do you guys understand now?


i hope everyone talks about this, this is a major issue right now, and needs to be talked about. wow. i only just noticed how smart i really am. dang. i'm getting into politicial stuff a whole lot now… wow.

P.S. 64digits is back up! WEWT! *passes cake and soda around to everyone*

<h1>btw, for the love of god, don't flame or make crude remarks. i'd like to keep this blog. any flaming, and i'll see to it that ur post is removed immidiatly.


melee-master 18 years, 10 months ago

If people want to immigrate, there's no reason they shouldn't be able to.

I'm so grateful to live in Canada.

Maxcore 18 years, 10 months ago

9/11 was a hoax and everyone knows it. Honestly, if you look at all the ways you unsafe, there are so many ways terrorists could attack. Bush is a satanish for gods sake.

shadowstrike32 18 years, 10 months ago

biggmax… the two towers lying crushed on the ground? how do you explain that as a hoax?

either you are a devils advocate, or just plain retarted. i vote the latter.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 10 months ago

@ss32 - Because they could have done a hell of alot more, and they didn't. They were just showing they could get us….. and anyone can… it isn't difficult to get a bomb into somewhere, especially the ground floors of a large building, and tear it to pieces.

They chose the towers because they were a symbol to us, and now they're gone.


MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 10 months ago

Eh. I couldn't care less if they smashed down the towers. I never knew they existed until then, and it hardly affected me. Now that i think about it, Biggmax's hypothesis, although highly unlikely, is starting to make more and more sense…

The government has practically UNLIMITED control over the US, so what would stop them from doing this, to keep us on our feet? What if the whole war is just a hoax? What if… What if….

Yeah.. Korberos has a major point there, though. I suppose, to most people, the tower's are symbolic, but if they really wanted to leave an impact on american society, they could have chosen something that more people pay attention to… Such as, oh, the oil factories. If our oil factories and refiniries were gone… That would put a dent in the Economy…

Among other things.

V 18 years, 10 months ago

exactly, which is why the immigration laws actually make some sense. but alot of the people don't recognize the main issue at hand, so they're protesting something completely off topic from the main reason for the laws, they only take in the first fact that they think it's racist. and biggmaxx, how in the hell can it be a hoax? the twin towers, killing hordes of people all just a bad dream? i doubt it. melee-master, if i could i would get my @22 into canada as soon as i could if i could. they almost have no problems at all. that's sweet. anyways, keep on posting. i want this sort of issue to be noticed!

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 10 months ago

I doubt that canada has no problems. You want to know why you think that? You never hear about canada in the news. The news tends to stick to events in the USA. There is probably major crimes ever day in canada, that you may never hear about. Carson, don't think taht, seriously. Melee-Master may easily live in a good part of Canada. Not every place is good. Canada is just like the USA. It's got it's good palces, and it's bad places. You're no safer their, than here. How can this issue not be noticed? I mean, i was the one who started all this, after all.

Everything in life can jsut be a bad dream, if you think about it. Whenever you want something to go away, it's a bad dream. When you want something to leave you alone, it's a bad dream. When you hate something, it's a bad dream. Maybe it was an Ephemeral, LSD-induced, nightmare that we all went through.

V 18 years, 10 months ago

T_T i didn't ask for u, but you're right. the government has complete control. BUT! you didn't take in the fact that people can protest, obviously. if they just started doing that, then we could easily overthrow the government, and thus, create chaos among ourselves, not knowing what to do because of the system that just collapsed in on itself. and plus, reality pretty much doesn't exist anyways, it's pretty much only a really bad dream… but anyways…

and yes, i know canada has its flaws as well.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 10 months ago

No, carson, we can't overthrow the government. We've been trying to do that for many years, but so far, it is to no avail. All the protests you hear about on the news, they are pointless, if they are directed at the government. The government has complete control, an Omnipotent, Omniscient Corporate mass, that can't be stopped. Just protesting would not work. The only way to truly stop our government, would be for them to renounce Democracy, and announce Anarchy. We can't stop them by protesting. That protesting would create chaos, maybe, but it's not like the government can't stop that. If the government has a problem, they deal with it. And i respect that, despite how evil it may be.

V 18 years, 10 months ago

i know that, but the people in charge have a tendancy to snap at some point. and i don't mind the government as long as it doesn't involve me, really. but i still like to be aware of stuff and talk about it. it gives me something to do. mmyep.