immigration issues

Posted by V on April 3, 2006, 1:35 a.m.

this was posted in mahfreenamee's topic on the immigration laws. i felt that it would be more noticable if i made my own blog talking about this. this will also point out the meaning of these laws and why they are being made, fr those who are currently clueless on the subject.

if u guys want to know WHY exactly he's making this law, simply because of how simply it is to get inside of the u.S. frankly, these people simply think it is a racist move, when it infact ISN'T. our protection to the south, simply is not protected well enough, and a terrorist could simply sail over there with ease and take out whatever it is he wanted. alot of people aren't thinking about the benifits of this. most of the people that were protesting were most likely illegal immigrants, and they knew that they would be soon deported. what most of them have forgotten is the fact that EVEN if you're an illegal immigrant, and u have a child born on U.S. land, then they can't touch you. most don't know that. back to the first reason, it was designed to keep any potential threats outside of the country. nobody thinks about that. we wouldn't have marajuana or cocqaine problems if we simply buckled down and started getting a clue, that we simply have our immigration laws too relaxed to a point where another 9/11 could happen with ease. fact of the mater is, is that bush is opening his eyes now, and is starting to see how insicure we truly are. *phew* do you guys understand now?


i hope everyone talks about this, this is a major issue right now, and needs to be talked about. wow. i only just noticed how smart i really am. dang. i'm getting into politicial stuff a whole lot now… wow.

P.S. 64digits is back up! WEWT! *passes cake and soda around to everyone*

<h1>btw, for the love of god, don't flame or make crude remarks. i'd like to keep this blog. any flaming, and i'll see to it that ur post is removed immidiatly.


MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 10 months ago

That's good, liking to be aware of stuff, and talking about it, etc., But if the government were to snap, they would have snapped by now. After being accused of so much, they have remained vigilant, and powerful, despite what people may say. In terms of corruption, yes, many people have snapped, but that happens to everyone with an iota of power. Pretty much, anything that happens in the USA, doesn't happen without the government knowing about it first.

V 18 years, 10 months ago

dang, u pretty much got it allll figured out here… you really HAVE been studying…

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 10 months ago

No, i haven't been studying. I haven't studied the government in years.

I just know from the past, and from what seems logical, and correct.

V 18 years, 10 months ago

meh, whatever. thing is, u pretty much got everything in ur head, u know what's goin on a such.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 10 months ago

Mod edit: No embeding MFA.

Yeah, i suppose that i do. Anyways, there's some music for you all to listen to while you think about such a serious topic.

Well, the idea's in my head, only get there because i allow them to, awkwardly enough. I think, therefore i am, no?

Anyways, yeah. I can't talk much now… my mind died, but i will talk more later.

membrain 18 years, 10 months ago

you touched on one point… another big issue is illegal workers, and how they effect oiur economy. Hence the "guest worker program"

If anything, I'd say those are the two major issues behind this whole ordeal.

Simply put, undocumented workers get paid undocumented wages, and with the ever growing flood of "non-citizens workers" this squeez on the US's taxes keeps getting tighter and tighter.

Now… I'm not saying that the US doesn't suck out enough tax revenu from it's legal workers to cover the tab… but reguardless, the lesser the problem the better.

I luv moonlight sonata… good call on this ;0)

Alpha Man 18 years, 10 months ago

Who what when where why and how.

membrain 18 years, 10 months ago

I will admit… it's a very interesting video indeed.

However in your haste to nay-say everyone as usualy… you miss the point.

The fact that these illegal workers are willing to do work that others are not isn't the point. It's what derives from this work they do.

Undocumented wages.

undocumented capitol being leaked out of our country going to places like Mexico,

not to mention the ever growing flood of immgrants coming to this country with no papers of any sort. this causes higher risk for such things as crime, higher costs for housing programs/development, not to mention just the plain fact that if nothing is done to keep this "issue" from increasing these figures have the potential to grow exponentially in years to come.

Now, I don't agree with some of the stupid things Bush has proposed such as building a friken wall along a large area of boarder between TX and Mexico… thats just plain stupid. but I am all for the workers program.

A large part of this debate, as any debate boils down to money. Keeping what we have, so that we can make more of it.

Debate me all you want, say what you feel you need… but unless you live in this country you prolly only know what your media tells you… and seeing as how America seems to be on just about everyone's shit-list right now you'r prolly not getting the whole truth. and that's just my opinion.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 10 months ago

Ah, the free-masonic folklore. Many senators, and presidents, have been free-masons. I can't believe i finally found something to agree with Biggmax on. The Free-Masonic folklore is very interesting. I just think that the Skull and Bones society.. wow, i learned something new today. Thanks for the link, BiggMax….

melee-master 18 years, 10 months ago

It's going to all end in the US's destruction and corruption.
