immigration issues

Posted by V on April 3, 2006, 1:35 a.m.

this was posted in mahfreenamee's topic on the immigration laws. i felt that it would be more noticable if i made my own blog talking about this. this will also point out the meaning of these laws and why they are being made, fr those who are currently clueless on the subject.

if u guys want to know WHY exactly he's making this law, simply because of how simply it is to get inside of the u.S. frankly, these people simply think it is a racist move, when it infact ISN'T. our protection to the south, simply is not protected well enough, and a terrorist could simply sail over there with ease and take out whatever it is he wanted. alot of people aren't thinking about the benifits of this. most of the people that were protesting were most likely illegal immigrants, and they knew that they would be soon deported. what most of them have forgotten is the fact that EVEN if you're an illegal immigrant, and u have a child born on U.S. land, then they can't touch you. most don't know that. back to the first reason, it was designed to keep any potential threats outside of the country. nobody thinks about that. we wouldn't have marajuana or cocqaine problems if we simply buckled down and started getting a clue, that we simply have our immigration laws too relaxed to a point where another 9/11 could happen with ease. fact of the mater is, is that bush is opening his eyes now, and is starting to see how insicure we truly are. *phew* do you guys understand now?


i hope everyone talks about this, this is a major issue right now, and needs to be talked about. wow. i only just noticed how smart i really am. dang. i'm getting into politicial stuff a whole lot now… wow.

P.S. 64digits is back up! WEWT! *passes cake and soda around to everyone*

<h1>btw, for the love of god, don't flame or make crude remarks. i'd like to keep this blog. any flaming, and i'll see to it that ur post is removed immidiatly.


gamehawk 18 years, 10 months ago

Okay, here's a few things:

1. Don't say 9/11 was a hoax, it wasn't. Don't make remarks like that.

2. I feel that the immigrants should get to stay here, because they're not hurting us, and they are doing the jobs we don't want to do.

3. Border patrol, should check out immigrants to make sure they're safe and then let them come on in.

4. If they don't want the immigrants, give them a leave notice.

5. For those who don't care about 9/11, don't make comments like that. I know a friend who had 2 friends die in the attack. More than 2,000 <b><i>innocent</i></b> people were left dead. Please be respectful.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 10 months ago

Hey. Hamehawk. Don't tell me what to say, and what to do. What happened, happen. You know why? Our government is a system of cruel bitches. I've been saying this for quite some time. How do you know it was Real, Gamehawk? Seriously. I want your proof that it's real, to prove my proof, and, biggmax's, because we apparently have similar idea's.

Don't tell me what to fucking do. You are not my master. Don't even attempt to command me.

gamehawk 18 years, 10 months ago

My friends, friends died. Is that proof, and I don't care what you say, but be respectful. That's all I'm asking.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 10 months ago

Ha. Gamehawk, look. I'm not being disrespectful. I'm saying what i want to say, about this subject. What happened, happened. If the terrorist's really wanted to affect us, why did they not just damage our economy a bit more severely? Why didn't they take out oil-lines? Why didn't the target the White House? Why didn't they target OPEC?

So he died at 9/11. I do feel sorry for him, but what i'm saying is, terrorists did NOT do it. Simple.

And so is Biggmax.

Josea 18 years, 10 months ago

Good I live here and not there.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 10 months ago

9/11 was not a hoax… seriously that is one of the most foolish things I've ever heard you say, biggmaxx. You should know that the government has too many people checking in on it for them to have faked this.

There are alot of reports that say that the "plane" that hit the pentagon was actually a missle. If you subscribe to read these reports, try to take into note that although they present EVERY PIECE OF EVIDENCE as if it were trivial, every bit of it makes sense for it being a plane and NOT a missile. If you listen carefully, they prove themselves wrong.

As for 9/11 being fake, it is also very obvious that they could not fake that. If we had faked it, enemies of our country would have already found out and broadcast the information to the world to provide them ample confusion in which to wreak more damage onto our soil. If you follow the history of what Al Queda was employed for BEFORE the whole 9/11 event, you'd know that they were given a very good reason to attack us.

Also, there is no spot in the entire US they could have hit with the resources available to them that would have hurt our economy more than the Twin Towers in New York.


Don't get me wrong… I could give a damn about gamehawk. What? We can't talk about 9/11 and offer theories just because some friend of a friend died? Fuck that. Just because they are wrong, that doesnt mean you can tell them they can't speak about something.

That is like telling someone a joke isnt funny just because it relates to something about you. It's ignorant to general value and it serves no purpose here. The internet of all places is free territory to say what you please, so don't try to tell anyone they can't.


except MFA… you can tell him to shutup all you want.

-BTW, wtf don't post music here… thats annoying.. I was listening to music and had to find your post to turn it off.


And for future notice, September 11th, 2001 occured in every nation in the world, so why is it suddenly "9/11" as some sort of American holiday of remembrance? SHouldn't we think of an actual name for it?

V 18 years, 10 months ago

yeah, please gary. this music makes me feel bad on a sad topic. it makes me remember too much… try to resist the urge to place some music on a topic, plz. next time, i'm deleting it.

gamehawk 18 years, 10 months ago

I never said he couldn't say it, I just said to please be respectful. If he doesn't that's his choice, and terrorists did do it. You kind of automatically become a terrorist when you purposely crash into a building.


I could give a damn about gamehawk.

Hey thanks! That makes me feel so great! :)



offer theories just because some friend of a friend died? Fuck that.

Is it a theory saying it wasn't a hoax, I'm just proving it wasn't a hoax.

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 10 months ago

Eh, fuck you, Korberos. And Carson, deal with it. I like Classical muisic, and you're not going to stop me from doing it. You are ony seeing the bad side of the song. Look, if you want to enjoy it, then you have to listen to the positive side of the music. The song was made to entertain people long ago, despite how sad it may be.

Korberos, i hate to say it, but i can't agree with you. No, wait, i love to say that. You're saying it can't be faked, when the government has unlimited control over the USA? That's a load of SHIT. Just because you think that the Middle-Eastern countries, or whatever country may hold terrorists, could easily get ahold of news like this, doesn't mean it's true.

Korberos, i don't really care if i interrupted your music. You know why? You don't offer me the chance to speak. You just tell me that i'm not worth anyone's time, because i actually know how to think, compared to some people.

Korberos. You understand that Oil is combustible, no? The government wanted to keep our economy intact, so they chose something of economic value, but not enough to SEVERELY damage our economy, and…. hit it.

If they hit a pipeline of oil, chances are, it would spread quickly, and damage quite a few critical resources. Oil, as you may know, is a natural resource, that will eventually run out. Now, if we lose all of our oil, you think other countries would go leniant on us? No. They would see it as an opportunity, because we NEED oil.

Now, if the terrorists wanted to hurt us everely, they would hurt out economy, more.

I don't care if i get in trouble for insulting people, although this isn't much of an insult, but more or less, disrespect that i believe in.. but..

Fuck off, korberos. Seriously. Do it. I don't care how. Kill yourself, for all i care. Put a bullet through your head. Take a dose of Cyanide. Take some pure iodine. Poison yourself. Just do it. Then i'll finally be able to live in peace, because i would know that i have one less person who treat's me like shit in the world.

And don't say you don't.

Except for MFA… you can tell him to shutup all you want

And not to mention all the times you flamed me in the past. How about you go ask a terrorist that was said to be ASSOCIATED with the bombing, hm?

Oh, and you know what, Biggmax? My friend made me think about your theory that i adopted, once i realized how tangible it was. HE said that bush is a christian, not a Satanist, and that Satanists only think about what's good for themselves, rather than other people. He said that Bush was refusing to send something to Africa, i forget what. He called that christian. Ok. So, he's trying to keep usa on top of the world, by not sending them to africa. Did my friend not consider that? He's trying to keep himself in power, and not let people develop past HIS nation. He wants the rest of the world to be stupider than him…

Which would be hard to do.

If you can't listen to Moonlight sonata just because we're talking about this, then there is something wrong with you.

Also, carson, you're hardly smart just because you brought up a topic that everyone is talking about. I understand why you think that, but that doesn't AUTOMATICALLY make yousmart. It makes you interested in the event that has happened.

V 18 years, 10 months ago

err, i never said that so it would make me smart.