Not even norton can protect you. [VH]

Posted by V on Oct. 25, 2007, 8:12 p.m.

Me again, with tales of a very fast game against some friends in DND, shocking truths, and maybe some random story to take up space. :D


Nothing new, I have decided to get a job at the local sonic since all the other places simply won't reply to me (Damn internet applications), so tommorrow, I will see if I can get an interview. Also, I have totally memorized my script for theatre. Total shame we have 3 more classes of rehearsel left. >:(

"Your driving has dramatically improved" Sez my dad, so I feel good about my skills.

And, as for DnD, we have a club in school named the "Chess and gaming club" But it's really just the DnD club. The chess part is a cover up to get the school thinking it's good for thinking skills. XD Anyways, we've had our first quick skirmish to get used to the game (We didn't play with a rule book, so thank god) And it was me and 2 other people, and I was a wizard halfling with 6 health, one bard (MahFreenAmeh) And a fighter. You see, the fighter's minimum damage was in fact, 7. Ameh and I had 6 health total. We were fucked to begin with, since I had amateur spells (MAJIK MIZZILE!!!1!) And the arena was small enough to where the fighter could charge across the entire map and slice up the bard in his first turn. I was behind alot of stone, so I couldn't see the scene, and I didn't know how many other people or what kind of people would be in the arena, and I had the bad luck to go last, so, the fighter goes first (Gee, ain't that great) And note the 2 cannot see me at the moment, so I had time to read over and study my spells so I can cast them ASAP. Within the first turn, the fighter charged across the whole arena, and killed the bard in one deft chop through the head (Great axe, and the bard screamed like bloody hell, so it kinda flipped my character out) And I had my character look where the scream came from (I'm also a halfling, so think 3 foor tall hobbit looking at a grown man with a massive great axe) And casted magic missle. SINCe it is only level 1, it was a 1D4 (4 sided die for those that don't know) And was like a rock hitting him in the forehead, and a sharp rock at that. Charges me, and cuts me in half. Great story, isn't it? But next time, we'll be fighting an enemy team of flying spaghetti monsters! YAY!


Alright, know from here on, I'm slightly furry now. Don't ask how the hell it happened, but I got interested in it. So yeah, all needed to be said. Anyone banging me about it will get their comment deleted, no matter how insightful it is, so watch for that. <_<

—–RANDOM—– <– Search 'boot to the head' and enjoy, too lazy to post the direct link.

This is the end for now, so say your thoughts. Will update on friday's happening's.



Killpill28 17 years, 4 months ago

*Dances like Party-boy while saying "unce unce unce"*

DevonX 17 years, 4 months ago

Wait, your a furfag?

V 17 years, 4 months ago

-sigh- Not much of one. Not to the extreme. I just for whatever reason like it.

Kaz 17 years, 4 months ago

Anyone banging me

V 17 years, 4 months ago

Gee, I was wondering what # comment that would be. :P

panzercretin 17 years, 4 months ago

WTF? DnD's a videogame, right? Because otherwise, a scream does not make sense in a board game as it sounds like. either THAT or DnD's even weirder than I thought it was… )_)…

but that isn't a bash comment, just a comment asking a question.

sk8m8trix 17 years, 4 months ago

Dungeons and Dragons is a pencil and paper game, basically all you need is a pencil and paper.

flashback 17 years, 4 months ago

And a distraction to keep the uber-conservative christians off your back.

KaBob799 17 years, 4 months ago

Sonic is teh delicious

NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 4 months ago

Search 'boot to the head' and enjoy, too lazy to post the direct link.
I would, but downloading videos with dialup is a pain. >_<