Work at taco bell, or get good grades. Hmmmm...

Posted by V on Nov. 5, 2007, 11:25 p.m.

Yes, my mom has created a resolve for me where if I don't get good grades, she has me work at taco bell. Exciting? For me, not so much, but yeah. I'm more likely than not going to be working at taco bell this weekend, as soon as I see if they've actually hired me.

—–other crap—–

Same old cycle, only different convo's and maybe something new to learn, but that's it. I'm keeping optimism up so far (Unlike REZ, poor guy's gone past his limit of reality) but it may wear out soon. I just don't know. I fixed up my IPod though, so now I can store 2X the amount of stuff I originally could, since for whatever reason something was taking up a good amount of space on the damn thing. Getting close to 10K hits, throw me a party or sumthin.

—–Other other crap (games)—–

I've picked up FFX again, and I'm all the way in Zanarkand, joy. only thing is that I'm SEVERELY UNDERLEVELED (In terms of what my stats SHOULd be, and what I do have.) So I'm somehow pushing onwards. Cutscenes are still long as hell. Beat sonic and knuckles 3 a third time. Still hooked onto it. Made another character on Rumble Fighter and destroyed a bunch of level 30's (This is the level where veterans with the best stuff fight) with only default. And mind you, default is a PATHETIC scroll. Gotta love having skill.

—–not crap—–

The imagination. It works oh so fucking well in sheer states of boredom, anger, and hapiness. Only disadvantage is having it get you spontaneously horny. VERY annoying for me (I wear baggy ass pants, and it's so freaking obvious when I have a bone. Yes, it's close to being what one considers a meat package.) Oh, and some of the new geico commercials. They can be so random it's hilarious.



Mush 17 years, 3 months ago

Taco Bell is a conspiracy.

V 17 years, 3 months ago

Question is, WHICH ONE? :O

linx0rz 17 years, 3 months ago

Dude…. do the old "tuck the bone under the belt trick" and hope to god your t-shirt is baggy enough so that no one notices. It never works but else can you do.

kikko fergae 17 years, 3 months ago

Lol i never new taco bell was an real company! XD

TwistyWristy 17 years, 3 months ago

Damn, baseball players didn't steal a base for the free taco offer…


panzercretin 17 years, 3 months ago

@TW: Yeah they did! It wasn't worth it, though. wait 45+minutes to get a 98 cent taco?! I don't think so.

Zac1790 17 years, 3 months ago

Wow, I have about the same stuff going on except I don't have to work at Tacobell. :D w00t!

I hate those pants that make it look like you have uh.. one of those things on skeletons, and it's really small. Then you wonder if someone is looking at that or something half a foot below that. :P

Leyenda 17 years, 3 months ago

Quote: VanHelsing
…if I don't get good grades, she has me work at taco bell.
Hey, it could be worse. She could make you EAT at taco bell!

Darth Dun Dun 17 years, 3 months ago

Pssh you think thats bad? When my dad threatened me he used "…shovelling shit on a sewage farm for the rest of your life…"

Rob 17 years, 3 months ago

Pssh you think thats bad? When my dad threatened me he used "…shovelling shit on a sewage farm for the rest of your life…"

Speaking of shit, I had to shovel goat shit then move it then put it around some trees for like 4 hours once….