Posted by V on June 23, 2006, 6:43 p.m.

yes, i decided that because so many people enjoy making blogs ranting about one thing for a long or short amount of time. now then, everyone can rant about whatever they want right here, because:

A: i'll be getting posts

B: seeing a new blog about something wrong with the site or something else has become WAY too annoying!

anyways, i'll rant while i can as well.

PEOPLE NEED TO GET A GRIP!!! goths are pathetic, they're always so sad saying oh i want to die my life sux, well here's what i have to say: YOUR LIFE SUX BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS BELIEVE IT SUX, EVEN THOUGH YOU MIGHT BE GETTING THE BEST TREATMENT!i mean, i've even seen rich people act all goth-ish saying their life sucked. think about the people in the gutters trying to make a living! i mean, good christ! the world will end because you have everything so messed up! well guess what- you have a LONG, LONG TIME to make reprimends! good friggin god! and you emo freaks, whatever you're whining about that makes you want to cut your wrist it hurts you so much, why not put down the switchblade for a second and try out finding some friends? because that would do you one helluva favor, especially if you don't want to die of an infected cut or something! and if you want to die, then shoot yourself! don't say you'll kill yourself and then hesitate! but people, think for ten seconds, you're getting one nice life here, and only god knows what happens after you die, so i would make the best out of life, live it the way you think is the funnest, because first thing you take a dive and think it's going to stay that way, someone might grant that wish and KEEP you miserable!

*phew* ok, that's my rant right there…… anyways, on another subject, i've noticed the forum. nice little place, i postedf a forum game and some other stuff, so plz check it out! anyways, post your rants here!

MODS: if you could, put this on the homepage so that could reduce the amount of blogs about one small thing for a rant, like the IRC chat. might do you guys a nice favor!


any flaming, insulting, or anything else, then that comment will be deleted. if it continues, then the whole blog goes bye-bye, understand?


ludamad 18 years, 5 months ago

Err, I do not like the way these kinds of topics turn out. It's a bad idea fundamentally.

V 18 years, 5 months ago

O_o um, oh. i'll stop it if it gets out of hand, don't worry.

Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 5 months ago

Wow. You can type a lot. Wow that's one amazing rant. On that subject.


V 18 years, 5 months ago

XD nice song you found there! that ranting actually got me to feel sorta sick, so i'll be off for awhile…

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

My favorite goth quote:

Quote: a stupid goth kid
I cut myself to relieve the pain.

Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 5 months ago

Yeah well like the song said

"our dudes look like chicks , our chicks look like dikes cause emo is one step below transvestite"

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 5 months ago

Hey, mofo. DOn't talk bad about goths. Seriously. I just had to say that, first off. Not all goths are like that, you idiot. I would expect you to know that, i mean, for god sakes, you're my friend. I'm the closest thing to a goth you know. Not all goths want to kill them selves. You're thinking of the pathetic, "Emo's", which doesn't do any justice to the word emotional. Point-in-0case… Yeah.

Don't say that we want to kill ourselves. That's just the depressed ones. Not all goths want to kill themselves. But, it is possible for people to have a crappy life. Mine was shitty, at least, with my dad, but i never really complain anymore… If i flamed at all… Wow. Sorry, i just get this way when people stereotype goths.

Think, carson. I know you can't do it too well (xD. Then again…), think. xD.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

About my previous comment: that quote was supposed to be from an emo, not a goth.

ludamad 18 years, 5 months ago

MahFreenAmeh proves my point - these things cause arguments. I'm sure this offended MFA at least a little bit, which is why these sort of things don't turn out well. And as you said, ranting usually makes you feel tired, and sometimes you say some things you don't mean.

V 18 years, 5 months ago

er, i just meant all the ones that normally want to die and feel bad about their life and everything. i was kinda directing it towards the ones tha have no reason to be goth.