Nintendo Wii: Next-Gen Starts NOW.

Posted by WaleedAmer on Nov. 19, 2006, 5:13 p.m.

Did you get your hands on a shmexy Nintendo Wii? I didn't. I checked SIX stores. When I checked Toys R Us, they had them in stock, but wouldn't let me get one, because I hadn't pre-ordered one. >.< I am pissed. More than pissed. Even more than that. I NEED a Wii. Until I get one, I will be a life-less teen-aged boy on the computer 24/7 while awaiting a Wii. Why? Why does it have to be this way? I could have been kicking japanese ass in Red Steel, but no. I couldn't get a goddamn Wii!

AmerPoll: Did you purchase a shmexy Wii?

1.Yes. w00t!

2.No >.<

3.What's a Wii?

I'll start by saying 2 for the poll.


basilamer 18 years ago


BenRK 18 years ago

2, though I didn't get one for 2 reasons. I only have $3 and a bunch of pennies in my pocket, and I never get any game or game console right on the first day, even if I had the money. I can wait untill Febuary, because hopefuly by next month, I'll get a job, and by Febuary, I might have enough money to buy my self a PS3, so I'll spend it on a Wii and 4 games, and a bunch of Wii points. Then I'll download the Wii browser and talk to every one on the internet. My plan is fool proof!

sinkhead 18 years ago

7. The 23s ate my Wii…

(No actually its 2)

V 18 years ago


MUST HAVE WII. oh, and I;n already a lifeless computer nerd awaiting the WII, so ha.

abacus 18 years ago

2. I'm getting the Wii for my birthday, in March.

squeakyreaper 18 years ago

Ah, poor guy. Go get two Wiis, and you'll be the first to have a WiiWii.

smaksak 18 years ago

Or a wiiii

I want a wii so I can bash things with it.

Amarin 18 years ago

Wii will, Wii will rock you.

OBELISK 17 years, 12 months ago

2. I didn't have the money. I'm just waiting for Christmas.

abacus 17 years, 12 months ago

OK, my dad says that he and my mom will never give me so much as a penny for a game console, because my cousin, who is even more of a lifeless computer geek than all of you(because he is 27 or something, has no job, no life, just sits on his computer in his mom's basement all day) came over a couple years back and my parents were appalled, so i have to buy one myself, but i am broke, so I wont get a console for about 3 years.