Nintendo Wii: Next-Gen Starts NOW.

Posted by WaleedAmer on Nov. 19, 2006, 5:13 p.m.

Did you get your hands on a shmexy Nintendo Wii? I didn't. I checked SIX stores. When I checked Toys R Us, they had them in stock, but wouldn't let me get one, because I hadn't pre-ordered one. >.< I am pissed. More than pissed. Even more than that. I NEED a Wii. Until I get one, I will be a life-less teen-aged boy on the computer 24/7 while awaiting a Wii. Why? Why does it have to be this way? I could have been kicking japanese ass in Red Steel, but no. I couldn't get a goddamn Wii!

AmerPoll: Did you purchase a shmexy Wii?

1.Yes. w00t!

2.No >.<

3.What's a Wii?

I'll start by saying 2 for the poll.


Amarin 18 years, 2 months ago

I WANT A WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! It looks awesome… I saw some videos, cooler than I expected. Now I want it even more… This sucks. My parents won't buy it. Maybe "Santa" will buy it for me. ;P

WaleedAmer 18 years, 2 months ago

Luckily, I have $250 in a special place for the Wii. WEWT!

Snakeman 18 years, 2 months ago


contrendo 18 years, 2 months ago

Maybe I can afford a Wii soon. I get 300 kronor (40$) from my dad every month so it should only take a half year to get the money.

chicklet 18 years, 2 months ago

…. wait,

so whats with the baby?

abacus 18 years, 2 months ago

Cry baby.

Ok, first things first:

the Wii is not a next-gen console.

People think that all new consoles are next-gen. But not all of them are. Otherwise there would be no present-gen consoles. The Wii is a present-gen console. the X-Box 360 was a next-gen in it's day. the PS3 is a next-gen console. Next-gen means: superb graphics, excellent sounds, etc. etc. The Wii lacks the superb graphics but makes up for it in game play. The guys at nintendo said "Do we really have to have a photo realistic talking mushroom icon? No!" and so they put in a cheaper and less-powerful graphics card. It still comes out with great graphics, but Nintendo games aren't designed to be of photo realism, like Play Station games are. Nintendo replaces the lost graphics and sounds with excellent gameplay. Instead of twiddling your thumbs, you get in the game. You throw grenades, aim pistols, slash at hordes of oncoming foes, with your arms, not your thumbs. It's a merger of Virtual Reality systems and game consoles.

Ok, I'm done.