No Longer for GM!

Posted by Warptweet on Jan. 18, 2007, 10:41 p.m.

Well, I've gotten tired of wasting all my efforts, trying to be of public service to the GMC for FOUR YEARS, paying approximately $456 dollars for domain hosting, and tons of effort trying to code or get a portal like phpnuke to be hosted on my website so that people can have a nice GM resource. - DELETED, DOWNED - DELETED, DOWNED - DELETED, DOWNED - DELETED, DOWNED - DELETED, DOWNED - DELETED, DOWNED (deleted from GM, not actually deleted from existance)

I've spent countless money, hours, and more trying to be of public service to the GMC and GM itself.

Well, since I've dedicated my website to GM for FOUR YEARS, I've decided to give Macromedia Flash a dedication on my website for at least FOUR YEARS.

Flash is a popular thing, although there very very popular and big websites that host and allow you to see flash, there aren't enough major portals, just a selected few with lots. So, my website is not dedicated to flash.

I've already got the uploader part done, flash author, flash name, upload the flash, description, flash ratings, flash width, flash height, flash commentary and all that jazz, and once you upload the file is of course uploaded, and a .php page is created storing and displaying all of the data entered, including the "Watch this Movie!" or "Play this Game!" which depends on weither you selected "Movie" or "Game" at the upload form.

I'm not here to brag or anything.

I'm simply saying, don't expect anymore money or time from me spent on the GMC.

Don't reply here sayign "YAY! FINALLY!", I know that, you all hate me. Now once I'm long and gone, I'd like to see you look back and think of all the time you wasted making crappy websites, blogs, pages, images just in order to down me. will never go down, I've already got the domain for LIFE from hosting, so I may as well make its endless life full of life itself.

Just saying some farewell goodbyes.

I definately quit GM though, the program, VenomBlood and I obviously wont be working on Dragite Legends anymore.

I might spend a bit of time on the GMC to talk to old friend and such.

Lets see what young strappling men you are, and how maturely you can say goodbye without losing your temper. Make me happy, see that there is at least some forgiveness or happines in your hearts, lets see how well you take this.


OL 18 years, 1 month ago

Well I don't know who you are or what you did wrong, so good luck in your future ventures.

The thing is, putting money and time into something is your own choice. It's a risk you chose to take, so you can't come here and moan at people about it as if they should feel sorry for you.

So better luck next time with what ever you choose to do.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 1 month ago

It may have something to do with the fact that your web design skills suck balls.

Graydon 18 years, 1 month ago

Good luck with the flash site.

firestormx 18 years, 1 month ago

I've got nothing against you, 'cause I don't really konw who you are. However, for your new, there are a few things you can improve, backend-wise.

Firstly, using WARPcode to rename your directories doesn't help your security, and simply makes it a hastle for people to type in the url. If people wanted to, they could list all the folders fairly easily, no matter what the name is.

Secondly, creating a new php file for every submission will end up taking up a lot of space, and be a real pain in the ass if you ever change your design. You should REALLY look into databases.

Thirdly, when submiting a flash file, I don't recomend allowing a user to specify the width/height. I don't know what your design is for displaying the flash, but either width/height shouldn't matter (IE a stretchable design), or you should find a way to find the dimensions automaticaly. Believe me, allowing users to specify that sort of thing is just asking for trouble.

Anyway, gl hf with the new flash direction.

Firebee 18 years, 1 month ago

Wow, you sure spent a lot of money on that. I like flash, but I think it gets misused more often than not, leading to flashy websites that do nothing.

Andy 18 years, 1 month ago

Well Flash is a nice program, I hope all goes well on your future game programming ventures. =)

flashback 18 years, 1 month ago

"And suddenly, all my brain cells cried out in joyful unison…"

Arcalyth 18 years, 1 month ago

Your first mistake was trying to please people at the GMC.

They're all idiots.

Farewell and such.

Warptweet 18 years, 1 month ago

KK, thanks all.

By the Way… FirestormX, is that you bleeding?

Another thing, creating a page for every flash uploaded doesn't take up much space, each file is a matter of mere bytes, and it's severely easy to change my website design in a matter of seconds, because I use the php include(XXXXXX.XXX) code, so I can change my entire website from a few files.

Allowing users to specify the flash height isn't asking for trouble, I've gone through every bit and bite of my flash uploader, and I'm smart enough to use Form Validation Logic. My PHP code will upload the file, and return any errors, such as if the Flash Movie or Game is above 1500 pixels in height or width, then it will give an error.

If HTML is used in any wrong forms, then it will also give errors. My Flash Uploader is extremely advanced.

Finding the flash height and width automatically is either probably, or is, impossible to do so. Even go to, a very popular flash portal, even asks for flash height and width.

My website right now wont have the current design forever, a ton of changes are in order.

SleepinJohnnyFish - I think thats just you :D The chances are I hate you to :D (kidding)

firestormx 18 years, 1 month ago

Alright, you're the one who coded it, so I'm not gonna pretend I know better. ;)

And yeah, that's me bleeding.

<3 blood.

Also, I don't want advertising [in this version of 64D]. The cost is $420/year, but that's still not too much; though I'll likely have to buy more bandwidth. (at which point, ads will probably go up)

We tried out google ads, but too many clicked them, so google pulled them. XD