No Longer for GM!

Posted by Warptweet on Jan. 18, 2007, 10:41 p.m.

Well, I've gotten tired of wasting all my efforts, trying to be of public service to the GMC for FOUR YEARS, paying approximately $456 dollars for domain hosting, and tons of effort trying to code or get a portal like phpnuke to be hosted on my website so that people can have a nice GM resource. - DELETED, DOWNED - DELETED, DOWNED - DELETED, DOWNED - DELETED, DOWNED - DELETED, DOWNED - DELETED, DOWNED (deleted from GM, not actually deleted from existance)

I've spent countless money, hours, and more trying to be of public service to the GMC and GM itself.

Well, since I've dedicated my website to GM for FOUR YEARS, I've decided to give Macromedia Flash a dedication on my website for at least FOUR YEARS.

Flash is a popular thing, although there very very popular and big websites that host and allow you to see flash, there aren't enough major portals, just a selected few with lots. So, my website is not dedicated to flash.

I've already got the uploader part done, flash author, flash name, upload the flash, description, flash ratings, flash width, flash height, flash commentary and all that jazz, and once you upload the file is of course uploaded, and a .php page is created storing and displaying all of the data entered, including the "Watch this Movie!" or "Play this Game!" which depends on weither you selected "Movie" or "Game" at the upload form.

I'm not here to brag or anything.

I'm simply saying, don't expect anymore money or time from me spent on the GMC.

Don't reply here sayign "YAY! FINALLY!", I know that, you all hate me. Now once I'm long and gone, I'd like to see you look back and think of all the time you wasted making crappy websites, blogs, pages, images just in order to down me. will never go down, I've already got the domain for LIFE from hosting, so I may as well make its endless life full of life itself.

Just saying some farewell goodbyes.

I definately quit GM though, the program, VenomBlood and I obviously wont be working on Dragite Legends anymore.

I might spend a bit of time on the GMC to talk to old friend and such.

Lets see what young strappling men you are, and how maturely you can say goodbye without losing your temper. Make me happy, see that there is at least some forgiveness or happines in your hearts, lets see how well you take this.


Warptweet 18 years, 1 month ago

You've got to be kidding! $429 a year???

How much disk space abd bandiwidth does 64Digits use???

Warptweet 18 years ago

By the way….

Chaning my directories name to WARPcode does increase security.

A) If a person tried, he may spell it wrong by accidently.

B) The names are so long, it goes off tab on popups, meaning you can't even get the full name of the flash, and the popups are not resizable, so it partially conceals the location of the flash.

firestormx 18 years ago

64D only uses a few hundred gigs of bandwidth, and only a few gigs of space, however the processing power and database access/space needed to run a site like this is fairly extensive, and sharing that ram/cpu with other people on the server would suck so much ass, so we're paying extra so that we don't have to share the processor with as many people as you would on say, dreamhost or something.

Dreamhost is great for smaller sites, but something like this requires a surprising amount of power; so that's where most of the money goes.

And as for the WARPcode security measure, you're thinking in a human sense. Computers were made to take repetitive/difficult tasks that a human would have to do, and simply do them.

A) If a person tried to get into a directory renamed to its WARPcode equivilant, there is a very low chance that a person would continue to try multiple times after an unsucesful attempt to find a working directory by typing in the URL. However, it is quite simple to code a script to just bruteforce your non-protected (as in actualy protected through apache/htaccess) folders, and list all the directories that it found. Not that it would make much difference, so long as you have the directories password secured.

B) The browser I use (slimbrowser), as well as several other browsers, can stretch windows, no matter what. (SB can force-add scrollbars, and all that too) The code to not allow the window to be resized is simply HTML, and it is up to the browser itself to interpret that code in any way it wants.

And even if your browser can't do that, a person could check their history/temp files, or view the properties of the current page.

I'm not saying warpcodeing your directories is a horrible idea or anything like that - you can name your directories whatever you want - I'm just saying that it doesn't really increase security.

Amarin 18 years ago

Well, I guess I can forgive you now. You've stopped with GM.

Warptweet 18 years ago

Well, I guess I can forgive YOU for that useless "pwned" link just for the sake of making fun of me.

Warptweet 17 years, 11 months ago

I've noticed something.

Most of you seem to forgive me now that I'm leaving.

What makes me more innocent, or more forgivable, just because I'm leaving? Apparently you people were just ratting on me for doing something that wasn't even wrong at all, you just wanted someone to yell at when your in a bad mood.

You people are horrible people, your sick and twisted in the mind, you obsequeint (defenition: people who cant get off your back) little peasants, I can hardly stand such sickness anymore.

Regardless of how much some of you hate me, well guess what?… I HAVE A LIFE.