Nintendo Wii

Posted by Wommelbammer on Jan. 26, 2007, 6:02 p.m.

About 1/5 of the US population say that the Wii is not worth it, and I really don't get it, I thought to myself that OF COURSE the Wii is worth it, its new, its cheaper than the xbox 360 and PS3, and has is a new line of gaming experiences with its specialized controller. Nintendo has really outdone itself this time, and I believe that it will stay popular for a very long time.(People are still buying games for the Nintendo 64!!!) Also, this Company in california says that they are sueing the nintendo company because of their controller. The reason, it resembles one of their inventions, a universal pointing thingy(cant remember much) I do agree it looks almost the same(Almost…) though it isn't the same thing, the buttons are different, their controller doesnt have plugins, it also doesn't work for the Wii system, which they made their biggest mistake by wanting to sue nintendo by the "looks" of their controllers. I believe they should rethink sueing nintendo, or there might be a batalion of angry people outside their doors.


Rob 18 years ago


OBELISK 18 years ago


Wommelbammer 18 years ago

Rob = 1/5

Nathan 18 years ago

Well, if 1/5 think the Wii is not wroth it, Doesn't that mean 4/5 think it is?

Rez 18 years ago

About 1/5 of the US population say that the Wii is not worth it

*Numbers and statistics provided by Guesstimate inc.

OBELISK 18 years ago

No, I think it means 4/5=has a brain

Wommelbammer 18 years ago

Great thinking obelisk! I noticed your avatar is holding a Wii controller.

Crane-ium 18 years ago

Yeah, rob, down with ROB!!!

Wii is actually pretty awesome, controllers are kinda expensive, but the PS3 is a total ripoff I think personally.

Wommelbammer 18 years ago

Yea.. Even though the Wii controllers cost 40+20 dollars(Its pretty much worth it either way)

DarkSoulcalibur 18 years ago

the wii ownz… its frikkin fun! if it wasn't for nintendo… there probly wouldnt be ANY video games at all!! if there were, they would all be gay atari! nintendo started it all!!!