
Posted by Zac1790 on Oct. 20, 2011, 8:42 p.m.

I'm so psyched for it.. I pre-ordered in like… March. And now it's only 20 days away.

So right now I'm doing some hardcore coding for S4D until they show 45 minutes of never before seen publicized gameplay at 1:05 EST on Spike (which I only get black and white video of, no audio :P). The way this hardcore coding works is I have a list of tasks that totally need to be done. And I have a timer that is just begging to beep annoyingly at me. So I give myself 30 minutes to run through each task as quick as possible.

I mean, I can still iterate from there, but so far my initial arbitrary magic numbers have been working out great! I've got… 1 task done! And now I'm posting here probably to procrastinate in a situation where I've already tried to keep out procrastination :)


JID 13 years, 4 months ago


Stop naming games with better ports on PC, JID.

Any 360-exclusive games?

I was naming mostly singleplayer games. I did that because he says that he doesn't enjoy playing Multiplayer, and xbox exclusives like to focus on multiplayer. In my honest opinion, mp games offer the most replayability. I don't see why some people don't like mp.

Rob 13 years, 4 months ago

I'm just mentioned it because he said he wanted an excuse to dust off his 360. Why not play them on a better platform? I'm still unsure why he got a 360 in the first place though…

I also hope he upgraded from the 5450 he had last time I checked.

Castypher 13 years, 4 months ago

I got a 360 because it was extremely cheap, and I was probably the only person in the world who didn't have one. That and there were a few titles I wanted to play, which I have since. I've been a Wii owner for years, and we all know how that went to shit (though you can't deny it was doing well in its early years–when I bought it).

Yes, I upgraded that worthless video card. Running right now with something that I haven't been able to slow down yet. And for around $200. Not too bad I guess.

And I'm not against multiplayer at all. Most of my favorite games are multiplayer (League of Legends is one I play quite frequently), but it's people being overcompetitive that turns me off of them. Tried Halo Reach multiplayer for a while. Oh my god, there are so many dumbass kids on that game. The co-op element was fun. And that's what I liked. Driving people around while they had the flag was a blast. But Christ, if most of the XBL network is full of children, I don't want to do anything online with the 360 anymore.

Rob 13 years, 4 months ago

What was it? 560 ti? I can't see getting a 6950 for that cheap. And $200 for a 6870/5850/460 seems too much. Unless $200 just means $200-$299.

Quote: Kilin
if most of the XBL network is full of children, I don't want to do anything online with the 360 anymore.

I thought this was common knowledge.

Quote: Kilin
The co-op element was fun

Yeah, that's the one thing I liked about the Halo series. The (split-screen/system link) co-op with friends is great.

I really hope they don't fuck up Skyrim though. They've been whittling the number of skills every single game since Daggerfall… I hope it doesn't turn into over-simplified casual garbage. But I'm happy they haven't simplified the skills into just two skills - "Combat" and "Other stuff"… yet.

Castypher 13 years, 4 months ago

$200 means $200 max. I paid like five dollars over. Did a lot of research beforehand so I'm pretty confident in my purchase.

And excuse me, Rob, for not being anywhere near acquainted with XBL until three months ago. Most of my games are on the PC. But now that I think of it, I can't come up with any games I thoroughly enjoy that support full-on multiplayer. Being a casual gamer, I'm not against simulations. Call me a pansy gamer, but Sims, Creatures, Harvest Moon, and Rune Factory are all right up my alley when I just want to relax. And that's usually what I want to do. None of this adrenaline rush shit, no sir.

Rob 13 years, 4 months ago

Why would that make you a pansy? Hell, one of my favorite games is a simulation:

Although that depends if "country simulator" counts as a simulator and not just grand-strategy. Although it does a lot better job at simulating the world than most combat-oriented "strategy" games.

Although it's not exactly relaxing when your country erupts into religious uprisings during the reformation right before France decides to shove its massive cock down your throat. Then all your colonies get blockaded by pirates and then your economy goes down the shitter and you rack up massive inflation before going bankrupt, etc, etc… but at least you can pause!

Quote: Kilin
I just want to relax. And that's usually what I want to do. None of this adrenaline rush shit, no sir.

That's pretty much why I watch most of the anime that I do. Or does that actually make me a pansy for watching cartoons with little girls in them?

Castypher 13 years, 4 months ago

It makes you a man.

Actually, I just realized. One of my favorite games to play to relax is Touhou. It's the manliest of games while still being about little girls shooting lasers at each other. Yeahhhh, fukkit, I don't need 360 games anymore.

Rob 13 years, 4 months ago

At least yours shoot lasers. All mine do is have tea-time :|

I don't know how the fuck you can play Touhou to relax though.

Quote: Kilin
Aside from people like me, we've got the real douchebags like Rob and HeroofTime.


Praying Mantis 13 years, 4 months ago

So I was just reading through this conversation here. I got up and walked into the room where the Xbox is, and skimmed over the games that were on the shelf. Wow, are these games seriously the reason I bought an Xbox? All of the games I actually want to play are either old, freeware or PC multiplayer.

I think my favourite multiplayer games are ones that can be played with friends, and have expansive possibilities and outcomes, preferably humourous; like Super Smash Bros or Team Fortress. I think multiplayer games can be tiresome in general, because you are competing against other players, and they're essentially a test of skill; which player is better? I.E., which player invests more time into their game? I like how you can still enjoy the game if you're not winning because of entertaining mechanics. For example, the vehicles in Halo (3, specifically), or the aesthetic and satisfying voice acting in Team Fortress.

LAR Games 13 years, 4 months ago

Skyrim is THE game I'm looking forward to this year.