Avatar, Shift!

Posted by Zaron on July 26, 2010, 12:12 a.m.

Woosh, there it goes. It still freaks me out from time to time because I fail to realize immediately that that image does, in fact, represent me, and thus I keep wondering who the hell random sites have logged me in as.

I think it was Cyrus who said in only slightly nicer words that smug Gato came across as a bit of an ass, and to be honest I've not felt particularly prideful lately (more of a lonely, depressed and semi-abandoned state of mind, but I do try to keep the emo to myself sans some closer alliances). Thus, the new one is a far more neutral Sam and Wynn from HP, the latter of whom still just exists in my random doodles and junk. If you feel so inclined, the larger version is over yonder on Newgrounds at ten times the size. If you don't feel so inclined, well, whatever.

B'sides, I don't feel my reception there will be so fantastic after Cyrus just finished terrifying half of you with awkward furry breast-implanted fan service. Speaking of which, I did some of that too in a shameless attempt to get attention that I'm both happy and sad to say worked all too well, now being my most viewed thing ever, save maybe an old STWPT flash from years ago. The controversy it sparked and the score's rapid swaying back and forth are entertaining to watch, as it's honestly pretty amusing how much people value personal taste over artistic merit, and how this can pull a lower rating than an image of an abused girl barely holding on to life and with the description reading how she's stopped fighting the drugs because it's the only thing that eases the pain and she only has a week left to live. True to fashion, Newgrounds embraces that as "Sexy," while what people are arguing isn't even proper smut (because good luck talking me into proper smut) is an abomination against nature and moral standing.

I expect far too much logic out of the site where people get upset about the mic quality behind their dick jokes. What I do not expect, however, is more than one of you to like that second image, but why not just feed the spaz fire at this point? That's what I've fallen to.

In more overall news, my webcomic is finally approaching it's 300th page (by my count, anyway), tonight updating with #298 and more fire before I swap the scene to something thankfully less red because I am so tired of painting an endless stream of red. I think this is evidenced by both previously linked images being markedly cooler in color scheme, I guess, but I'm thankful all the same to be getting back to Jamal and Sam's squabbling come next week, when both my Airbender and DBZ influences will be dancing around in full force in quite possibly the most obvious display ever, so stay tuned for that, I guess.

Regarding game making (the point of this site? Blasphemy!), GM8's news feed thingy pointed me to their latest contest, which, in a brief stint of insanity, I decided to try and put something together for. The results so far are decent enough save some semantics issues I'm still trying to work out, shattered self-esteem, and my thoughts going from "I would like to move on from GM after this" to "I shouldn't even bother with programming because I am a worthless human being apparently for not having learned programming by pulling it out of my ass at age 12 before I even really understood what the internet was because my family is not entirely technologically inclined or particularly supportive of my pursuits, largely on account of them being insane and me wasting more time crafting run-on sentences than actually getting crap done." I've been told I'm wrong in just about every feasible way these last few days from the art to the programming, game project or otherwise, and it's gotten me feeling pretty down.

On the upside, you can make a little man run around and bounce a blue ball all over the room in an attempt to make water appear. Interpret that how you will.

As for HPE itself, I'm back to wondering what it's future is when apparently an entire RPG back-end is no problem for me but basic platform collision and a freakin' particle destroyer are blowing my mind. Aside from that, Erik has been offering to assist to some extent for ages, and now that PlaneShader is actually a thing I can see, I have some degree of confidence in that happening someday.

All the same, being reduced to "guy that draws everything" really kills game design being a break from drawing everything for me, which is a good explanation for why I never get any sprite work done, and the present extent of HPE's "battle system" looks like She-Hulk's flattened tit.

Time will tell, I guess, and Erik's prospective animation system sounds pretty in line with the shit I dream of doing (my perfectionism tells me to try and match Odin Sphere, but reality says I should probably aim a smidgen lower for a first outing, mayhaps).

Wish me luck, and shorter blogs or something.


blackhole 14 years, 7 months ago


Ferret 14 years, 7 months ago

I liked the old avatar, it didn't seem very smug to me.

I think it's hard to win votes over artistic merit on a site like newgrounds, especially with something like that.

You know what I never even thought of you as much of a furry. I do now.

Your art is really good btw.

The rest I kinda tl;dr'd. Sorry. :(

Castypher 14 years, 7 months ago

I remember that RPG menu screenshot you put up.

…It was sexy.

Mordi 14 years, 7 months ago

Is it just me or does this site look more and more like fur affinity every passing day?

Zaron 14 years, 7 months ago

Yeh, my women aren't sporting junk, crapping on each other, or being swallowed by somebody, or being horribly mutilated somehow, or… well, I don't care to go on. FA can get pretty terrifying.

@Ferret: I'm still less of a furry than most furries, but more furry than the people bitching about it here.

@Kilin: Sexy is what I do. most of my skill with GM is mroe on the presentation front than the actual game part, which is why the minimalistic platformer I'm working on now is absolutely kicking my ass. Either practice will make perfect, or I'll curl into a ball and admit defeat, but one way or another I should be able to finish what I've set out to do with that.

Zaron 14 years, 7 months ago

… Oh, Cyrus. Poor Cyrus. Poor, naive, Cyrus.

Go to that site. Search "Hyper." In fact, don't, and just hate me now, without knowing why.

Tranny (and Hyper, which is Tranny on crack), core, and all that crap is totally there, and will likely show up if you're a registered member and said "Yeh, I can handle naked boobies, I ain't 7!"

Then you'll wish you were 7, but leave the box checked because it gives you crap to tell your friends to terrify them if you ever tell scary stories by a campfire, or just like making them cry for no reason. c:

Castypher 14 years, 7 months ago

Presentation isn't my thing. Probably because it requires you to be semidecent in art (pixel, layout, etc). I can use blend modes to make something shiny,and have some neat particle effects, but that's all I can really do. Anything that requires spriting is a definite no.

Zaron 14 years, 7 months ago

My "spriting" methods have been leaning more and more Flash/experimental with higher-def stuff, as I am notably anal with everything I do, which makes pixelling a 32x32 sprite of any manner of detail take *hours* as I try to make something amazing with no real skill or experience in the subject.

Castypher 14 years, 7 months ago

Well, admittedly I can sprite a smallish (max 64x64) character in maybe fifteen minutes or so. It's animating that kicks my ass. I've tried several methods, the most recent being animating the outlines and filling in colors or details later.

…It didn't work. Neither did my 64x64 tree. Trees are hard. Those bastards.

Vance_Kimiyoshi 14 years, 7 months ago

Most of the stuff you listed can be found in normal hentai. Yet it's still much worse when combined with furries.