my story on buying a game console.

Posted by Zenotheroxen on Feb. 25, 2008, 11:17 p.m.

One day I asked my mom if I could get a xbox360 someday and she said she was going to get a big pay check and she could buy one, but my plans were changed..and here's my story: My mom got a big pay check and after school my mom told me that she called every store around the area in which I live in and there was no xbox360's at all in stock, I wanted a xbox360 at first but then I realised that the only games I wanted on the Xbox360 were Halo1, 2 , and 3. While driving in the car and head to the store, my mom asked me if I wanted a Playstartion 3 instead..I coul'dnt make up my mind. I could have waited until they got xbox360's in store or I could get a playstation 3 right now. I decided to go look at the store to see the Playstation 3. when Me and my mom finally got to the store , I kept looking back and forth on the playstation3 and xbox360 games, I ended up choosing Playstation3 because I want more than just 3 games on it, it has blu-ray, six-axis and it's first party games. My mom ended up spending 700$ at the store buying: a playstation3 console, a playstation3 controller, call of duty 4: modern warfare for my playstation3, heavenly sword ps3 game, and a wii remote and nunchuck for my wii, Which now I have 4 wii remotes and nunchucks for. I really like Call of duty 4 for ps3. Playstation 3 is way better than I thought it was gonna be too! =D.


Cesar 16 years, 10 months ago

proper grammar is good.

yours is horrible >_>

OBELISK 16 years, 10 months ago

I almost cried reading this.

Biotech Gaming 16 years, 10 months ago


Omega_Squid 16 years, 10 months ago



mixahman 16 years, 10 months ago

didn't know 64digits was full of grammar teachers. :p

I'll probably be selling my Xbox360 if Star Wars Unleashed is crap. What else is there besides tons of FPS, in which they are all the same.

$700 for a PS3, when I was younger I couldn't pull that shit off with my parents. Damn u spoiled. Well consoles where much more affordable back then but still… $700 bucks US

E-Magination 16 years, 10 months ago

No, 64digits is full of people that prefer to read stuff, not decrypt.

[deleted user] 16 years, 10 months ago

[18:06] <@konakona> ps3 = BLU RAY PLAYER

[18:06] <@konakona> it also plays games guys

[18:06] <@konakona> holy shit

F1ak3r 16 years, 10 months ago

And… breath. That's good. Again. Full stops (periods) are good for the soul.

Lapixx 16 years, 10 months ago

- More than 3 games: WTF, the xBox has currently more good games than the PS3

- Blu-ray: You probably mean a Bly-ray disk reader. Besides that, whatever? Why would blu-ray mean it is better than a xBox?

- six-axis: Great, 1% of the Wii functionality, and almost never used…

Must say, I would have buyed a PS3 if it didn't have these 3 things…

Anyway, have fun with it, or it would be a waste of the money ;)

Use some punctuation next time…

PY 16 years, 10 months ago

E-M speaks truth.

I kinda want a 360…