
Posted by Ziegg on April 24, 2006, 4:45 p.m.

too bad I'm late for the prank


ludamad 18 years, 8 months ago

Taken off the front page. Most blogs need some sort of content to stay there. But hi.

gamehawk 18 years, 8 months ago

Hi and welcome to 64Digits. Edit: A tip is to talk about yourself and how you found this site. Most people who come and introduce themselves in that way stay on the front page.

Ziegg 18 years, 8 months ago

I don't want to stay on the front page

I found this site from digital gaming about a year ago

I was too lazy to register

gamehawk 18 years, 8 months ago

What do you mean, others won't be able to read your blog unless they click your name.

Ziegg 18 years, 8 months ago

there's nothing here until my deadline

no point in seeing my page now