ENIGMA site redesign 2

Posted by a2h on Jan. 14, 2008, 7:12 p.m.

Yes, I am still here. Only difference is that I play Tremulous a lot nao and I'm even more awesome at web design. Anyways, as the title says, I am doing (another!) redesign for ENIGMA's website. Reason? Well, atm it still doesn't exactly look very professional, so I decided to have a little chat with Josh and ended up saying I would do a redesign that looked a bit like Kubrick (Wordpress default theme) but darker and glossier. And so I came up with this. I'll get a live demo up asap so that I can prove it's not fake. Also, I'm going to say this now rather than later: it shares a few things with a2h's universe v8. Mind you the only similarities of the two designs are that contentbg.png and footerbg.png is used by both of them… (go figure out what in the screenshot above is those two by yourself)

Anyways, even though Tremulous is so old (ONE YEAR!), I just started playing and I love it =D my favourite servers are SST Tremulous and Dretch*Storm. It's an awesome FPS and you can choose aliens or humans. And other stuff. Just play it, it's awesome.


Polystyrene Man 17 years, 1 month ago

The link doesn't work.

On the bright side, 64Digits now allows you to upload images!

RetroX 17 years, 1 month ago

Where's the ENIGMA site? I'd like to see it.

blueBX 17 years, 1 month ago

@CA: http://www.twisterghost.com/tnet/enigma/index.tn

Also, the site design looks okay. Is that the final design?

a2h 17 years, 1 month ago

On the bright side, 64Digits now allows you to upload images!
Bleh, forgot about that. Are you sure the link doesn't work? But anyway… *uploads*. Thar.


DesertFox 17 years, 1 month ago

:O Tremulous :O

I luv Tremulous - and I need to get OpenGL to work with reasonable speen on Vista to play it =/

RetroX 17 years, 1 month ago

Vista gave OpenGL a lifetime supply of crack…

Good luck. =/

Nathan 17 years, 1 month ago

I play Tremulous some too. I hate when the aliens evolve without you realizing, walk around looking at the floor expecting a small spider thingy, to see the claws of a massive spider thing right before you die.

F1ak3r 17 years, 1 month ago

I just had a very interesting idea to do with ENIGMA, t-shirts, an iron, and Classix Arcade's money. Mwhahaha!

edmunn 17 years, 1 month ago

I can do better A2H. =P

stampede 17 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, it's not really professional looking site in my opinion. Blurred logo and too small padding for starters.

Enigma-devs should make a contest about their site design!

EDIT: Here is my logo idea. Site design could follow same clean style as this:
