Hahaha @MK53

Posted by abacus on Jan. 31, 2007, 8:05 p.m.

I won't spoil the surprise.

Quote: AIM
abacoos: yo

BladeLord53: Yo

BladeLord53: I had to go

abacoos: AzureRage doesn't colse >=[

abacoos: *close

abacoos: i had to restart my computer

BladeLord53: Alt + F4

abacoos: oh, yeah

abacoos: completly forgot about that

BladeLord53: And Home to free mouse capture

abacoos: oh

BladeLord53: XD

abacoos: ususally i use alt to end mouse capture but it didn't work

BladeLord53: I'm still waiting for Corrine to get home…

abacoos: k

abacoos: gonna get laid tonight?

BladeLord53: I have her screen name

abacoos: XD jk

BladeLord53: Nope

BladeLord53: XD

BladeLord53: I don't plan on getting laid for another 10-15 years.

abacoos: ok i was jk

abacoos: http://www.loganoth.com/gamemaker/index.php?showtopic=1376

BladeLord53: I know

abacoos: zomg make a game 4 teh contset nub!

BladeLord53: Gtg

abacoos: noooooo

abacoos: i refuse

abacoos: this is our biggest contest ever!

abacoos: you gotta join!

BladeLord53 signed off at 7:53:58 PM.

BladeLord53 signed on at 7:59:04 PM.

BladeLord53: Can you help me with TGoZ?

abacoos: possibly

BladeLord53: Okay

abacoos: if you jjoin the minicontest

BladeLord53: I'll join

abacoos: thanx

BladeLord53: No pro

BladeLord53: b

abacoos: it shouldn't be a hug game

BladeLord53: I know

abacoos: it can be 3D, too

BladeLord53: I'll make a 3D game

BladeLord53: A racing game

BladeLord53: I gues

BladeLord53: s

BladeLord53: Something simple

abacoos: eh… it should be a arcade game

BladeLord53: Fine

abacoos: not many arcade racing games from the 80's retro era

BladeLord53: I'll make a space shooter

abacoos: woo!

BladeLord53: I got the idea for using D3D for TGoZ from AzureRage

BladeLord53: I just need to do height checking and stuff

BladeLord53: And the collisions JakeX used

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: You know how to do those right?

abacoos: d3d is really powerful

BladeLord53: Yeah

BladeLord53: I need to make low-poly models

abacoos: and a lot simpilar than X3d or Irllicht

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: Especially or ships

BladeLord53: for*

abacoos: yeah…

BladeLord53: And you can handle the humans right?

BladeLord53: I have a problem with the humans in TGoZ

BladeLord53: Your models don't work with my ramps.

BladeLord53: We gotta fix that

abacoos: ok

abacoos: just change the z_act values instead of z

abacoos: that's probably your problem

BladeLord53: Oh

BladeLord53: Gtg

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: Bai

abacoos: cya

BladeLord53 signed off at 8:09:32 PM.

BladeLord53 signed on at 8:26:46 PM.

BladeLord53: She's STILL not home…

BladeLord53: Blog'd.

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: I need help.

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: With the game.

abacoos: k

abacoos: which ine

BladeLord53: And in CoV - I tried changing the z_act thing

BladeLord53: Didn't work

BladeLord53: Sinclair went flying

abacoos: oh, hmmm

abacoos: k

abacoos: did you use the code i gave you for ramps in RR5?

BladeLord53: Nope

BladeLord53: I used my own

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: It works and looks better

abacoos: well, then, i can't help you

BladeLord53: But it's not compatible with the AotE models


BladeLord53: I'll upload.

abacoos: alrihgt

abacoos: shouldn't you work on the contest game?

abacoos: it's due tommorrow

BladeLord53: Oh noes

BladeLord53: I'll revamp Wiz Quest

abacoos: ok

abacoos: remember, only 8 colors

BladeLord53: Aaaargh

BladeLord53: Oh noes

BladeLord53: Shit the GM6 isn't in here

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: I lost my flash drive.

abacoos: did you know that Kaeithekeaton was in a cagemtach?!?!?!

abacoos: Week 04: Dex: Fire and Ice, by Dex over Tourist Island, by kafeithekeaton, 11-2

BladeLord53: =O

BladeLord53: XD

abacoos: notice the "2" for his votes

BladeLord53: XD

abacoos: http://64digits.com/users/JakeX/konpeki_no_gekido.zip

abacoos: some game by amerup

abacoos: *jakeX?

abacoos: what the fuck is with the name?

abacoos: eh, nevermind

BladeLord53: XD

BladeLord53: http://64digits.com/users/mageknight53/CoV_Abacus.zip

BladeLord53: Here

BladeLord53: You can help

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: I can't do this

abacoos: why the hell are you using objects for terrain, anyway?

BladeLord53: Scripts

abacoos: why don't you use a hieghtmap?

BladeLord53: They use heightmaps.

abacoos: …eh?

abacoos: did you make those terrain scripts?

BladeLord53: Nope

BladeLord53: GMC

BladeLord53: They're smooth

BladeLord53: But they don't show how to make collisions with it…

abacoos: k

abacoos: i think i got it

BladeLord53: Lookie here: [20:33] BladeLord53: Are you there?

[20:40] BAM iiTS CORRINE: who is this?

[20:40] BladeLord53: Ryan

[20:40] BAM iiTS CORRINE: (auto-response from BAM iiTS CORRINE) my moms bday soo chilling with the family and watching american idol. leave it here <3

[20:40] BAM iiTS CORRINE: ryan???

[20:40] BladeLord53: Yup

[20:40] BAM iiTS CORRINE: oconnell?

[20:40] BladeLord53: Yup. =D

[20:41] BAM iiTS CORRINE: oh hey

[20:41] BAM iiTS CORRINE: whats up?

[20:41] BladeLord53: Evil biology project

[20:41] BladeLord53: Making us grow beans =P

[20:41] BAM iiTS CORRINE: oh that stinks

BladeLord53: Corrine on AIM! ^^

abacoos: MUAHAHAHA i know your name

BladeLord53: Lots of people do

abacoos: now i have a difinitive advantage ove… wait, am i saying this out loud?

BladeLord53: XD

BladeLord53: You could have looked at my profile. -_-

abacoos: eh…

abacoos: your game is gay

BladeLord53: Huh?

abacoos: if it were up to me, I'd re-start the whole game, using my engine as a gase

abacoos: *base

BladeLord53: Haha

abacoos: and using a hieghtmap for terrain

BladeLord53: You never said it sucked

BladeLord53: You said it was pretty good

abacoos: …?

abacoos: eh….

BladeLord53: And I only had to change the models.

abacoos: the coding is really bad

abacoos: mmmmk

BladeLord53: =P

abacoos: hmmmmm

abacoos: you might have to start over

BladeLord53: D=>

abacoos: cuz the terrain stuff is wiked screwed

BladeLord53: I'm not using the terrain at all

abacoos: …

abacoos: the ramps

abacoos: by terain, i mean ramps

BladeLord53: Oh

BladeLord53: You said they were okay

abacoos: ummm

abacoos: no i didn;t

BladeLord53: A while back

abacoos: mmmmk

abacoos: eh, her's what i got

abacoos: http://64digits.com/users/abacus/Champions_of_Varlon.zip

BladeLord53: Okay

BladeLord53: Oh crap:

[20:50] BladeLord53: I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the Valentine Ball at Hendricken

[20:51] BAM iiTS CORRINE: i will have to ask my mom

[20:51] BladeLord53: But how will she know I talked to you

[20:52] BladeLord53: I'm not allowed to have a screen name

[20:52] BAM iiTS CORRINE: i will just tell her you asked me on the phone

[20:52] BladeLord53: But how will my parents know I called?

[20:53] BAM iiTS CORRINE: idk

[20:53] BAM iiTS CORRINE: but i have to go

[20:53] BladeLord53: Okay bye

[20:53] BladeLord53: Should I call you in like 5 minutes?

[20:53] BAM iiTS CORRINE: im not allowed to talk on the phone at night

[20:53] BladeLord53: Oh

[20:54] BladeLord53: So you'll go if you can?

[20:54] BAM iiTS CORRINE: here ill just ask my mom now

[20:54] BladeLord53: Do you have a cell phone?

[20:55] BladeLord53: So I could say I called your cell?

[20:55] BAM iiTS CORRINE: because my mom doesnt know you she said no. but i am really sorry , my mom just thinks im too young and shes never met you before so

[20:55] BAM iiTS CORRINE: im really sorry

[20:55] BladeLord53: Okay

[20:55] BAM iiTS CORRINE: (auto-response from BAM iiTS CORRINE) my moms bday soo chilling with the family and watching american idol. leave it here <3

abacoos: oh teh snap

abacoos: how the hell is she supposed to meat you?

abacoos: *meet

BladeLord53: Yeah.

abacoos: i mean, does she just want Corraine to go out with her childhood (girl) friends?

BladeLord53: Haha

So yeah. Corrine's mom is a bitch. Pretty much those three words sum up the whole convo. BTW, we had jsut finished playing AzureRage on Multiplayer. It was pretty kewlio. heh, i posted this just to laugh at Corrine's mom and MK53 because his crush's mom is a whore…

meh, my crush's mom is pretty cool. She works that the school where i go to. She totally owns Corrine's mom. I mean, Corrine's mom won't even let her talk on the phone at night. Is that gay or what?

Yeah, I made a kewl game. ReactioN

Play it now, bitches.

Read CAD if you haven't.

I've been playing with flash, which i dloaded last night.

Made in Korea

My first human

Spidey sences


Polystyrene Man 17 years, 11 months ago

Also, you ladies may be a little too young to realize this on your own, but the "My mom won't let me" excuse is usually a lie covering up the fact that they just don't like you.
Meh, I was gonna say that…

Amarin 17 years, 11 months ago

Zomgwaffles that sucks for me.