Hahaha @MK53

Posted by abacus on Jan. 31, 2007, 8:05 p.m.

I won't spoil the surprise.

Quote: AIM
abacoos: yo

BladeLord53: Yo

BladeLord53: I had to go

abacoos: AzureRage doesn't colse >=[

abacoos: *close

abacoos: i had to restart my computer

BladeLord53: Alt + F4

abacoos: oh, yeah

abacoos: completly forgot about that

BladeLord53: And Home to free mouse capture

abacoos: oh

BladeLord53: XD

abacoos: ususally i use alt to end mouse capture but it didn't work

BladeLord53: I'm still waiting for Corrine to get home…

abacoos: k

abacoos: gonna get laid tonight?

BladeLord53: I have her screen name

abacoos: XD jk

BladeLord53: Nope

BladeLord53: XD

BladeLord53: I don't plan on getting laid for another 10-15 years.

abacoos: ok i was jk

abacoos: http://www.loganoth.com/gamemaker/index.php?showtopic=1376

BladeLord53: I know

abacoos: zomg make a game 4 teh contset nub!

BladeLord53: Gtg

abacoos: noooooo

abacoos: i refuse

abacoos: this is our biggest contest ever!

abacoos: you gotta join!

BladeLord53 signed off at 7:53:58 PM.

BladeLord53 signed on at 7:59:04 PM.

BladeLord53: Can you help me with TGoZ?

abacoos: possibly

BladeLord53: Okay

abacoos: if you jjoin the minicontest

BladeLord53: I'll join

abacoos: thanx

BladeLord53: No pro

BladeLord53: b

abacoos: it shouldn't be a hug game

BladeLord53: I know

abacoos: it can be 3D, too

BladeLord53: I'll make a 3D game

BladeLord53: A racing game

BladeLord53: I gues

BladeLord53: s

BladeLord53: Something simple

abacoos: eh… it should be a arcade game

BladeLord53: Fine

abacoos: not many arcade racing games from the 80's retro era

BladeLord53: I'll make a space shooter

abacoos: woo!

BladeLord53: I got the idea for using D3D for TGoZ from AzureRage

BladeLord53: I just need to do height checking and stuff

BladeLord53: And the collisions JakeX used

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: You know how to do those right?

abacoos: d3d is really powerful

BladeLord53: Yeah

BladeLord53: I need to make low-poly models

abacoos: and a lot simpilar than X3d or Irllicht

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: Especially or ships

BladeLord53: for*

abacoos: yeah…

BladeLord53: And you can handle the humans right?

BladeLord53: I have a problem with the humans in TGoZ

BladeLord53: Your models don't work with my ramps.

BladeLord53: We gotta fix that

abacoos: ok

abacoos: just change the z_act values instead of z

abacoos: that's probably your problem

BladeLord53: Oh

BladeLord53: Gtg

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: Bai

abacoos: cya

BladeLord53 signed off at 8:09:32 PM.

BladeLord53 signed on at 8:26:46 PM.

BladeLord53: She's STILL not home…

BladeLord53: Blog'd.

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: I need help.

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: With the game.

abacoos: k

abacoos: which ine

BladeLord53: And in CoV - I tried changing the z_act thing

BladeLord53: Didn't work

BladeLord53: Sinclair went flying

abacoos: oh, hmmm

abacoos: k

abacoos: did you use the code i gave you for ramps in RR5?

BladeLord53: Nope

BladeLord53: I used my own

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: It works and looks better

abacoos: well, then, i can't help you

BladeLord53: But it's not compatible with the AotE models


BladeLord53: I'll upload.

abacoos: alrihgt

abacoos: shouldn't you work on the contest game?

abacoos: it's due tommorrow

BladeLord53: Oh noes

BladeLord53: I'll revamp Wiz Quest

abacoos: ok

abacoos: remember, only 8 colors

BladeLord53: Aaaargh

BladeLord53: Oh noes

BladeLord53: Shit the GM6 isn't in here

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: I lost my flash drive.

abacoos: did you know that Kaeithekeaton was in a cagemtach?!?!?!

abacoos: Week 04: Dex: Fire and Ice, by Dex over Tourist Island, by kafeithekeaton, 11-2

BladeLord53: =O

BladeLord53: XD

abacoos: notice the "2" for his votes

BladeLord53: XD

abacoos: http://64digits.com/users/JakeX/konpeki_no_gekido.zip

abacoos: some game by amerup

abacoos: *jakeX?

abacoos: what the fuck is with the name?

abacoos: eh, nevermind

BladeLord53: XD

BladeLord53: http://64digits.com/users/mageknight53/CoV_Abacus.zip

BladeLord53: Here

BladeLord53: You can help

abacoos: k

BladeLord53: I can't do this

abacoos: why the hell are you using objects for terrain, anyway?

BladeLord53: Scripts

abacoos: why don't you use a hieghtmap?

BladeLord53: They use heightmaps.

abacoos: …eh?

abacoos: did you make those terrain scripts?

BladeLord53: Nope

BladeLord53: GMC

BladeLord53: They're smooth

BladeLord53: But they don't show how to make collisions with it…

abacoos: k

abacoos: i think i got it

BladeLord53: Lookie here: [20:33] BladeLord53: Are you there?

[20:40] BAM iiTS CORRINE: who is this?

[20:40] BladeLord53: Ryan

[20:40] BAM iiTS CORRINE: (auto-response from BAM iiTS CORRINE) my moms bday soo chilling with the family and watching american idol. leave it here <3

[20:40] BAM iiTS CORRINE: ryan???

[20:40] BladeLord53: Yup

[20:40] BAM iiTS CORRINE: oconnell?

[20:40] BladeLord53: Yup. =D

[20:41] BAM iiTS CORRINE: oh hey

[20:41] BAM iiTS CORRINE: whats up?

[20:41] BladeLord53: Evil biology project

[20:41] BladeLord53: Making us grow beans =P

[20:41] BAM iiTS CORRINE: oh that stinks

BladeLord53: Corrine on AIM! ^^

abacoos: MUAHAHAHA i know your name

BladeLord53: Lots of people do

abacoos: now i have a difinitive advantage ove… wait, am i saying this out loud?

BladeLord53: XD

BladeLord53: You could have looked at my profile. -_-

abacoos: eh…

abacoos: your game is gay

BladeLord53: Huh?

abacoos: if it were up to me, I'd re-start the whole game, using my engine as a gase

abacoos: *base

BladeLord53: Haha

abacoos: and using a hieghtmap for terrain

BladeLord53: You never said it sucked

BladeLord53: You said it was pretty good

abacoos: …?

abacoos: eh….

BladeLord53: And I only had to change the models.

abacoos: the coding is really bad

abacoos: mmmmk

BladeLord53: =P

abacoos: hmmmmm

abacoos: you might have to start over

BladeLord53: D=>

abacoos: cuz the terrain stuff is wiked screwed

BladeLord53: I'm not using the terrain at all

abacoos: …

abacoos: the ramps

abacoos: by terain, i mean ramps

BladeLord53: Oh

BladeLord53: You said they were okay

abacoos: ummm

abacoos: no i didn;t

BladeLord53: A while back

abacoos: mmmmk

abacoos: eh, her's what i got

abacoos: http://64digits.com/users/abacus/Champions_of_Varlon.zip

BladeLord53: Okay

BladeLord53: Oh crap:

[20:50] BladeLord53: I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the Valentine Ball at Hendricken

[20:51] BAM iiTS CORRINE: i will have to ask my mom

[20:51] BladeLord53: But how will she know I talked to you

[20:52] BladeLord53: I'm not allowed to have a screen name

[20:52] BAM iiTS CORRINE: i will just tell her you asked me on the phone

[20:52] BladeLord53: But how will my parents know I called?

[20:53] BAM iiTS CORRINE: idk

[20:53] BAM iiTS CORRINE: but i have to go

[20:53] BladeLord53: Okay bye

[20:53] BladeLord53: Should I call you in like 5 minutes?

[20:53] BAM iiTS CORRINE: im not allowed to talk on the phone at night

[20:53] BladeLord53: Oh

[20:54] BladeLord53: So you'll go if you can?

[20:54] BAM iiTS CORRINE: here ill just ask my mom now

[20:54] BladeLord53: Do you have a cell phone?

[20:55] BladeLord53: So I could say I called your cell?

[20:55] BAM iiTS CORRINE: because my mom doesnt know you she said no. but i am really sorry , my mom just thinks im too young and shes never met you before so

[20:55] BAM iiTS CORRINE: im really sorry

[20:55] BladeLord53: Okay

[20:55] BAM iiTS CORRINE: (auto-response from BAM iiTS CORRINE) my moms bday soo chilling with the family and watching american idol. leave it here <3

abacoos: oh teh snap

abacoos: how the hell is she supposed to meat you?

abacoos: *meet

BladeLord53: Yeah.

abacoos: i mean, does she just want Corraine to go out with her childhood (girl) friends?

BladeLord53: Haha

So yeah. Corrine's mom is a bitch. Pretty much those three words sum up the whole convo. BTW, we had jsut finished playing AzureRage on Multiplayer. It was pretty kewlio. heh, i posted this just to laugh at Corrine's mom and MK53 because his crush's mom is a whore…

meh, my crush's mom is pretty cool. She works that the school where i go to. She totally owns Corrine's mom. I mean, Corrine's mom won't even let her talk on the phone at night. Is that gay or what?

Yeah, I made a kewl game. ReactioN

Play it now, bitches.

Read CAD if you haven't.

I've been playing with flash, which i dloaded last night.

Made in Korea

My first human

Spidey sences


Quietus 17 years, 10 months ago



Easy as that.

Tasm 17 years, 10 months ago

No, no, no. Here's what it should be like:


[20:50] BladeLord53:Hello, my fair lady.

[20:51] BAM iiTS CORRINE: Greetings

[20:51] BladeLord53: Would you perhaps have a date for the Valentine's dance?

[20:52] BladeLord53: Because I would be honored if you were to accompany me.

[20:52] BAM iiTS CORRINE: Why, no, and I would love to go with you.

[20:52] BladeLord53: Then shall I bring my noble steed upon your door at 7?

[20:53] BAM iiTS CORRINE: That would be lovely, yes.

[20:53] BAM iiTS CORRINE: I'm positively aflutter with excitement; Oh, I just know we'll have a jolly good time!

shadowstrike32 17 years, 10 months ago

^Stop reading my convos

Omega_Squid 17 years, 10 months ago

BladeLord53: It works and looks better

abacoos: well, then, i can't help you

BladeLord53: But it's not compatible with the AotE models


BladeLord53: I'll upload.
Miscommunication? =P

abacoos: *jakeX?

abacoos: what the fuck is with the name?

abacoos: eh, nevermind
Anybody else catch this?

ludamad 17 years, 10 months ago

Obel Isk: He posted a picture of corrine before. She is very plain looking.

frenchcon1 17 years, 10 months ago

No-one's gonna take me aliiiiiiiive…

The time has come to make. things. riiiiiight…

You and I must fight for our riiiiights…

You and I must fight to surviiiiive…

Graydon 17 years, 10 months ago


basilamer 17 years, 10 months ago

this is how it goes:


bladelord53: Well, I was prospering the thought of you and I aquainting each other as partners in a spectacular young teenage love.

corrine: eh, no.



abacus 17 years, 10 months ago

this is how it goes:


bladelord53: Well, I was prospering the thought of you and I aquainting each other as partners in a spectacular young teenage love.

corrine: eh, no.



No wonder she said no, it sounds like there going to make sex with each other. The "parteners in spectacular teenage love" part may need to be resivsed.

ludamad 17 years, 10 months ago

lmao, mageknight is smooth, eh.