Chiken=Pot Head

Posted by abacus on June 4, 2007, 8:16 p.m.

Quote: Chat Log

abacoos (8:56:48 PM): i have a ciripault

abacoos (8:57:03 PM): i killed a fire bat in 1 hit

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (8:57:04 PM): w00t

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (8:57:10 PM): nice

abacoos (8:57:38 PM): is it possible to have battling be more than just clicking attack

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (8:57:46 PM): idk

abacoos (8:57:49 PM): like an attack or defend button

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (8:57:58 PM): Ummm

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (8:58:00 PM): Mabe..

abacoos (8:58:02 PM): so if you think they are going to hurt you you defend

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:01:45 PM): k

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:01:47 PM): pot time

abacoos (9:01:55 PM): wha?

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:02:04 PM): pot time.

abacoos (9:02:08 PM): drugs?

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:02:17 PM): Umm…

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:02:18 PM): Maybe…

abacoos (9:02:23 PM): mmmmmmmm

abacoos (9:02:23 PM): no

abacoos (9:02:29 PM): drugs are bad, mmmmmmmmk?

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:02:29 PM): No?

abacoos (9:02:43 PM): DRUGS ARE BAD, MMMMMMMMK?



ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:03:17 PM): lol

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:04:00 PM): smoke some weed

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:04:03 PM): amazing things happen

abacoos (9:04:08 PM): yup

abacoos (9:04:14 PM): your brain cells die

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:04:26 PM): =D

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:04:42 PM): Stem Cell research will fix that

abacoos (9:05:38 PM): lets go kill some stupid humanitarians who think stem cell research is bad!!!

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:06:19 PM): dude

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:06:21 PM): take 10 bucks

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:06:27 PM): and buy maybe like 1/16

abacoos (9:06:34 PM): and buy a comic book

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:06:34 PM): or 20 and get an eighth

abacoos (9:06:47 PM): and 2000 to buy a gun

abacoos (9:06:56 PM): and commit suicide

Ok. So chat log is over. So this isn't entirely a chat log, which will get tagged, I will post some other stuff.


In other news, i got a new m,osue, becasue my old one sucked and froze right before i was about to do something, ie snipe someone or put in 1 pixel on a sprite.

My new one is much better but it sometimes laggs for some reason. but that i can fix by using a mouse pad.

Sometimes it doesnt work on the mouse pad though. it is very fickle.

About a month ago a friend of mine gave me Morowind. It's fun. I've been playing ST a lot too.

I've started up work on Destro Online, and i got it to have 2 different attacks. I am using the engine for Winged Warfare, another game i am making.

got to go now or ill get grounded. Bai!


poultry 17 years, 8 months ago

Why does every chat log that I have with you keep getting on this damn website?

Amarin 17 years, 8 months ago

Destro Online?

KaBob799 17 years, 8 months ago

Try using an optical mouse on a glass table =0

flashback 17 years, 8 months ago

The more you warn Shadow Yoshis, the stupider they become.

Nathan 17 years, 8 months ago

Those brain cells will just die anyways, as you get older and die yourself, why not kill them young? xD

poultry 17 years, 8 months ago

EXACTLY *High five*

Nathan 17 years, 8 months ago

great minds think alike ^^

s 17 years, 8 months ago

My mouse is better without a mousepad

How is 1 and 2 different?

And as for ChIkEn being a druggy…arn't most ppl?

Andy 17 years, 8 months ago

I don’t think stem cell research will be here in time for Chicken…

firestormx 17 years, 8 months ago

The odds are fairly high that a $2000 gun will not be a pistol. (which causes complications when attempting to die)

Also, pot doesn't kill braincells!

It just kind of puts them to sleep, and we have no way of waking them up. ^_^