Liquid Porn

Posted by abacus on July 4, 2008, 10 a.m.


Engrish is awesome =P.

Yeah, so I made it here to Thailand. So far I've gone to an awesome technology mall, where you could buy pirated games for $2 and legit games for $8. Other technology was cheaper too, but high-end graphics cards, CPUs and pre-builds are still expensive. Food is cheap, five bucks for a 4 person meal. I've also ridden an ELEPHANT on a fucking highway. We went to a cool Buddhist temple crawling with monkeys.

We also bought dirt-cheap but fairly good Airsoft guns. One shotgun is really good, but the two M4's we bought suck epic dicks, as do most airsoft m4's. My friend is obsessed with reloading the two Sig P228 pistols we bought as well, just dropping an inserting a new clip, repeatedly. All night. Click click. Click click. Click click. Ok I'll stop.

Yesterday we went to the Army base and went to the shooting range, but it was kinda cheap. Each bullet (.38 spc) cost 40 bat, or $1.30, so I only got to shoot 10 rounds. Was less than expected, but w/e.

Anyway, said 'friend' now has a 64D account- t3h31337n00b, now Iron Ryu- so add him as a friend to make himself feel better. Please do, as he is holding my lung hostage until he gets 15 friends. So it's friend, or sign up for my SWAT rescue team. Your choice. Crazy asian or a couple clicks.


frenchcon1 16 years, 7 months ago


PY 16 years, 7 months ago

SWAT, I think.

abacus 16 years, 7 months ago


war be me lungas

Siert 16 years, 7 months ago

Abacus, what are you drinking?!?

I've always wanted to go to Thailand just to buy some games… you know… the legit ones…

sk8m8trix 16 years, 7 months ago

Wootages, SWAT time for me.

thernz 16 years, 7 months ago

I rode elephants too and a Hindu temple,

…and a monkey stole my money. :[

Seriously. >.>

Nathan 16 years, 7 months ago

I had a moneky steal my Haribo before! =@

marbs 16 years, 7 months ago
Cesar 16 years, 7 months ago

Fucking epic liquid porn!

So yeah, if you think I am going to add a friend of yours with that username, forget it, it is waay too noobish

flashback 16 years, 7 months ago

I *could* authorize your friend's name change to something less hopefully nooby, or I could be a terrible person.