Hallowe'en Dance. Now with pics

Posted by abacus on Oct. 28, 2006, 6:57 p.m.

Right now my sister and her friend are having a Hallowe'en dance. I can come and eat food, and there is a bonfire. There was this moldy stack of wood in a field, and we just decided to light it up for a bonfire. It works. I will upload some photos once I find a camera that works.I get free food. They bought one bag of ever kind of Chex Mix you can think of, then dumped them all in a puddle. [:(]

Just Joking! they put them in a couldron so now we a have a large couldron full of Chex Mix.

Unfortunately, it is a joint my-sister'sbirthday/my sister's friends birthday/Hallowe'en dance. Being in celebration of the two girls birthdays, I wasn't allowed to invite any of my friends, so it is boring. A bunch of wacko freshmen "dancing" and just running around in our barn mking a lot of noise. No-one to dance with. We set up a foos-ball table but no-one can hold a game longer than 5 min.

I'll upload photos in a minute.



kafeithekeaton 18 years, 3 months ago

Ah, stupid freshmen with their dance nasties. You should show them their place. And by show them their place, I mean beat them with burning wood.

foslock 18 years, 3 months ago

Hahaha, freshmen.

But your sister was kinda cute :-P

abacus 18 years, 3 months ago

yeah… even guys in my grade like her.

My sister is the brounette, btw.

Kenon 18 years, 3 months ago

Quote: kaifethekeaton
beat them with burning wood.

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 3 months ago

I can DJ pretty good :)

I know how to mix and loop tracks pretty well