That awkward moment when

Posted by abbeyminor on March 10, 2013, 10:59 p.m.

Shaq told me to make an account and did~

So hey!

Most of you guys know me as Shaq's wife/baby mama but a lot of you don't know me at all so here are some things:

*I'm Abbey.

*I write occasionally, and you might eventually end up seeing some of my things here!

*I'm friendly but generally uncomfortable in social situations. (Like this one!)

*I have a love/hate relationship with my evil demon cat, Britches.

*I tend to display a gratuitous amount of enthusiasm and emotion in general.

*I hate the winter, but only when it's winter. In the summer, I always miss the snow.

*Books used to essentially be the foundation of everything in my life but lately I find that reading is kind of boring, and I'm trying to find a new hobby– suggestions are always welcome, here!

*Anything I post will seem pretty vapid and generic for a while, but once I get comfortable here, things will probably get a bit more interesting.

Also, it's so weird to actually be here. Shaq's told me about you guys and the site, and I've watched him click around for God knows how many hours, but actually being here? Weird as hell.

It's like being told fairy tales for years about a faraway place and then all of a sudden you wake up and you're there.

Anyway, there IS more to me than my cat and various emotional behaviors, but I've never been great at introductions. So if there's anything you want to know, ask away!

See you tomorrow, I guess!


Snakeman 11 years, 11 months ago

Some of life's great mysteries can never be explained. :)

JID 11 years, 11 months ago

Looking at all these likes, at this rate, abbey will pass colseed in terms who gives out the most likes.

colseed will no longer be all-time like champs. He shall be defeats

firestormx 11 years, 11 months ago

You guys are assholes.

Not only do you think that a 5 year old child could run this place better than me, but you've already predicted that - based on a baby's single month on this earth - it will only take him 5 years to surpass me.

Also, welcome! I played with Britches for a couple hours last year - teaching him to scratch, bite, and obtain lasers. I expected him to fight terrorists, not his family.

…Unless you people are terrorists. o_o

Snakeman 11 years, 11 months ago

You guys are assholes.

Not only do you know that a 5 year old child will run this place better than me, but you've already predicted that - based on a baby's single month on this earth - it will only take him 5 weeks to surpass me.

firestormx 11 years, 11 months ago

I'mma come visit you again, snakeman, and turn your pets against you.

Ronnica 11 years, 11 months ago

Welcome! =]

Snakeman 11 years, 11 months ago

I'mma come visit you again, snakeman, and turn your pets against you.
Joke's on you, my apartment does not allow pets. The worst you could do to me is… hell, I dunno, have me buy you lunch because you forgot your wallet?

Rez 11 years, 11 months ago

you got yourself in the eye of the firestorm, snakeman.

flashback 11 years, 11 months ago

Or is firestorm in the eye of the snakestorm!?

Snakeman 11 years, 11 months ago

Firestorm is in the eye of the Snakeman.

Needless to say, somebody needs to get me some eyedrops because OH GOD IT BURNS