Music and pictures

Posted by aeron on Oct. 2, 2012, 7:50 p.m.

I've been working on a number of different tracks recently, thought I'd share some WIPs with you all to see what you think. I've been jamming my guitar a lot but I no longer have my friend's bass at my disposal, so I've had to settle with synth bass or leave it out for the time being (The good news is that in a week my brother is lending me his bass so I'll be able to go over em soon)

Guitar Stuff

This one is most "complete" but still pretty short. The bassline fits but I still think I'm gonna try something different when I play around on a real bass, we'll see:

A short loop. I think I'll move the lower guitar to the bassline and write a new melody for either guitar or vox:

Another loop that could use some work, right now both guitars are in unison but I plan on making one a more interesting harmony:

Slow guitars:


And yes, I'm still working on electronic stuff too, just not as happy with it, mostly because I'm amidst a change in workflow. I was tired of relying on so many pirated VSTs so I didn't even install them when I reformatted my hard drive recently. As such I'm still trying to find my bearings without some of my favorite plugins. It's… hard but I can't realistically buy all that top dollar shit anytime soon so I see it better to just try and make do.

Here's a couple new ones:

Well, that's a lot of WIPs. They're all short though so I hope you have time to give them a listen and leave a comment or two.

I now change it up and leave you with some images

I've been practicing modelling and these are some of my newer models. I keep putting off texturing them, if only it weren't so tedious. I practiced a couple times with the first one but I've made a lot of changes to the structure since and it's just not that appealing to fix.


JuurianChi 12 years, 3 months ago

Like the music, the last track sounds like my kind of Electronica.

Cesque 12 years, 3 months ago

Great stuff as always. The guitars really evoke some sort of 'warm and fuzzy' atmosphere for me.

What the images remind me of:

1. 3d Lemmings games.

2. Someone trying to compensate for a short cock.

3. A kid with a plastic bag over its head.

4. An ichthyostega.

5. The Groke.

Astryl 12 years, 3 months ago

Those guitar pieces are wonderful.

Also, what modeling program do you use?