Some algorithmic art and updates

Posted by aeron on July 29, 2013, 4:01 a.m.

It's been a while since I've lost the pen to my drawing tablet (has it been half a year? I really need to just buy a new one). I'm pretty sad that I no longer get to practice drawing on the computer but that doesn't mean I can't still experiment with algorithmic art. Here's a dump of some images I created in the time I've been without pen, from oldest to newest (click for 3200x1800 res):


Top reasons for making these:

1. Convinced I have nothing better to do

2. Fractals keep algorithmic art fun and exciting

3. It's nice to have a fresh wallpaper every now and again


Well I haven't been coding much game-wise. Why is motivation such a damn tricky fish to catch! So I mentioned a couple blogs ago I was working on that multiplayer engine. Progress has not only slowed but I actually hit a regression when I was doing some studying.

See, I want to implement a stable synchronization that compensates for lag and packet loss, but this is constantly turning out more complex problem the further I get. I found and now want to use Valve's notes as a guide, but I know following them means reworking a lot of what I've done. I guess I'm lucky I wasn't too far along with my entity system, but now the apparent size of the task is starting to show, making it that much harder to get started. I really just need to pace myself if I wanna see this through. One step at a time, I need to add to it every day to keep the motivation juices flowing.

On the music front, I've been messing around with electric pianos, trying to play more jazz influence on the keyboard. I'm getting slightly better at playing seventh chords by hand, though I still don't know many different voicings and am slow to shift around at times. I'm likewise playing more with jazz chords on guitar, and much more comfortable moving around and playing with voicings (It's my home instrument :P). I have bits and pieces recorded but once again nothing is rendered at the time being, and it's getting about time for me to wrap this up. I guess now I'm obligated to follow up with a music blog in the coming days :P

Welp, hope you enjoyed the images and my rambling. See you around 64digits!


Castypher 11 years, 5 months ago

Pass them off as a fractal.

panzercretin 11 years, 5 months ago

Cyrax that chiptune piece is what your dialup would sound like if it was haunted by an autistic jazz poltergeist.

Suddenly I'm thinking of making a new band called Autistic Jazz Poltergeist.

aeron 11 years, 5 months ago

Okay here's a bonus since Cesque didn't like #5, I decided to make a better derivative:

Acid 11 years, 5 months ago

aeron, your art is derivative and you should be ashamed(Not really. I just always wanted to use that hipster term on someone. I like your stuff. #2 and #3 are my favorites.)

Cesque 11 years, 5 months ago

Woo! Thanks. Now it looks much prettier, makes me think of a particle collider or a thermonuclear reactor.

Mush 11 years, 5 months ago

I really like the top one the best. It reminds me of art I've seen in my grandma's house.

You should use these in a game :)

JoshDreamland 11 years, 5 months ago

Damn it, aeron, I went on vacation and missed this. Are these generated with one function called for each pixel? Or do you do a couple passes? Did you cheat on any of them with individual shapes? [:P]

Eva unit-01 11 years, 5 months ago

2 and 3 are so dope.

aeron 11 years, 5 months ago

Josh: They're made in Ultra Fractal. To answer the function/passes question:

To clarify, I use layers to do the shading. I usually just use the same fractal base but combine multiple shading algorithms for full effect.

As for the shapes, no cheating necessary. UF5 has a nice explore feature for any complex number parameters that lets you scan the 2d realm of possibilities quickly (and also figure out what the hell each parameter does). Combined with the fact that you can zoom indefinitely, it's usually just a matter of time before I spot something that looks cool and start to play with it.