Deathly Still [Music]

Posted by aeron on Jan. 20, 2017, 10:56 p.m.

This track is a couple months old, but I just now got around to making a video for it. It is kind of in line with some of the stuff I have been posting recently but I think this one is a little more refined. It is closer to the type of pacing I am seeking.

The voice sample was super fun to work with. I had multiple takes of the same lines that gave me a lot more options, and not to mention it's Paul freakin Frees. The recording and diction are so clear and pronounced, I just think it works well in a musical contex. I really wish I could find more dialogue like it. In the meantime, I hope you can enjoy the track. If you like it check out some of my recent blogs, I also leave music in the comments from time to time.


ludamad 8 years ago

Love it!