Support making a new music album!

Posted by anthonyloprimo on June 12, 2012, 9:26 p.m.

Part personal project part game OST. More detail there, preview tracks to be demoed in an upcoming update (within an hour or two)


Polystyrene Man 12 years, 8 months ago

Some of my friends used Kickstarter to raise $10,000 for a movie they're shooting this summer. It is possible.

Quietus 12 years, 8 months ago

yeah it sounds like it may be good for finding voice actors, or whatever you'd need (musicians, pixel artists, modelers etc). but only if you already have a project going, or a respectable portfolio in your field of work.

Alert Games 12 years, 8 months ago

Motivation is key. By the video you look like you are giving it a shot and seeing what happens, rather than having an attitude that if you work hard enough you should make or get close to your goal.

Polystyrene Man 12 years, 8 months ago

Can you elaborate a little? How much advertising did they do? Were they featured on kickstarter's homepage or something?
They were featured, but not until after they had already reached their goal. It was really just a matter of politely asking friends and family, and having people spread the word on FB.

anthonyloprimo 12 years, 8 months ago

I'm doing this just because. Sure. I can pirate the fuck out of the samples I want, the synths, the soundfonts. Hell, I can do it all. I've done it before. Not fully proud of it.

And all in all, I'm not really being incredibly serious. Had I wanted to make that mistake, I'd already have shoved up Deep Freeze over there.

If by some chance people actually wanna try to help me via donations and not criticism - which for once I assumed would be the case (that is, that I wouldn't really get funding due to those reasons stated already by everyone), then good. If not, the album will just take longer, there's gonna be less motivation (between having nothing to do FOR someone, and no reason to set a goal yet), and there won't be any physical albums. And I dunno when I'll get the album, when done onto CD Baby.

1200 is incredibly much for me, but it was a basic tally. The 20 day limit was based on kickstarter's own reccommendation (30 or fewer days is the overall best bet). I picked 20 because I wanted to more or less get an idea if I'll get funded by the end of the month, and again - it's kinda a blind punch into the dark - and an intentional one at that. Just for kicks. If it doesn't work, fine. I'm not expecting it to. Definitely not this time. Considering the track record of asking those I know to spread the word to begin with, I expect that there's an even SMALLER shot of doing this.

To elaborate on the money: 1200 covers software, hardware, extras, as well as the rewards (as recommended by Kickstarter). So the 1200 covers samples, new headphones, software, hardware upgrade that was needed, the CD Baby fee for submitting an album, web hosting, and the rewards - getting the artwork printed, getting the materials for drawing, etc. I didn't bother factoring in my own time to actually design the custom artwork either so even then… it could have gone up further (though I dunno if that's actually allowed). Though considering the fact that the two highest donation tiers grant someone a short song and the higest a long(er) song… yeah.

I've uploaded a basic update video showing some of the music. There's a link to my vibedeck on the information section of the page as well. There's evidence of my work.

If you don't want to donate, or if you can't? That's fine. Can you spread the word instead of trying to give more reasons why it probably won't work? People seem to think I shoot high without realizing how bad my figurative 'aim' is. Sometimes I do have some idea of what I'm doing, and how likely I'll fail. Doesn't mean I won't give it a shot.

So again: Donate, spread the word to see who might be willing to help me out, or just leave it at that. I don't need to be "advised' on how I'm basically a nobody, or that Kickstarter is for more well known projects, or whatever.

And if it fails, if anyone still wants to help me out, I'll probably set up some kind of alternate thing. It'll be nice having a reason to make the album, anyway.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 8 months ago

The problem is just, as Toast said, advertising this here is a bit pushy. The majority of people on this website are like you; creatives with little to no money trying to get somewhere, or just hobbyists. Point is, we don't come here to find things to spend money on, we come here to get input from our peers.

Try Facebook?

anthonyloprimo 12 years, 8 months ago

Done already. And a couple of other places.

Didn't mean to come off as pushy. And still, even if some fellow creative types could help spread it around to others it'd be cool. So again, sorry.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 8 months ago

No reason to apologize…

I'm going to leave this discussion because I keep unintentionally sounding like a horse's bum.

Wish you luck with this, though.

Polystyrene Man 12 years, 8 months ago

Actually, the site has been quite generous from time to time. This doesn't look too pushy to me - just a link and a little blurb.

anthonyloprimo 12 years, 8 months ago

Yeah. But Poly, remember the one major factor: I posted it. lol, jk but.. yeah.

In any case, I've gotten used to asking for help and.. well yeah. Getting ignored and getting every kind of "help" but what I need. And god forbid me asking for people to spread the word.

But as with most parts of this project (save for the making of the album), I'm simply looking to do it for fun. And assuming I get more than 1 backer, I might still try to do something for those that pledge, if I fail to reach the goal as thanks for anyone that tried to help. I dunno.