Another Unfortunate Event.

Posted by anthonyloprimo on Sept. 11, 2012, 12:49 a.m.

So, some backstory on my aunt, aside from what I mentioned in my last blog:

She's 83, and before she fell, was pretty much perfectly fine. She has usual elderly issues - arthritis, aches and pains from being old and stuff, however a major issue that both my Grandmother suffered from and my aunt was Anemia. Forgot the specific type, but… yeah.

My grandmother passed away in 2009 after she pretty much was unable to be affected by the blood transfusions, platelet shots or chemo therapy (which ultimately just slowed the "quickish" inevitable end or something. Didn't really do much).

My aunt also HAD anemia.

Well, today, my uncle came in my room, and told me something ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL. DISCLAIMER: That previous statement is sarcasm to define just how bad this development to me is.

The platelet shots are no longer working. She'll be going on chemo therapy, though she might not respond well at all, if not react badly thanks to her condition - far weaker than my grandmother was when she started chemo.

Yeah. So now we've got chemo therapy coming on, my aunt is basically down the last stretch of life my grandmother suffered, she's bedridden, unable to do anything, she's got dementia and who the hell knows what else.



Ferret 12 years, 5 months ago

Well that sucks :<

anthonyloprimo 12 years, 5 months ago

Not really. I only have a competition, a business I'm looking to start and a job I'm looking to change into something more worthwhile.

Nothing at all! /sarcasm

On top of this, due to no one being able to cover for me now, I had to cancel and reschedule a job interview.


McFluffeh 12 years, 5 months ago

My grandparents died before my birth.


anthonyloprimo 12 years, 5 months ago

You're lucky.

And anyone that never was close to their family is lucky, too.

I swear, having a close/well loved family is a curse and a blessing. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so close to them.

death 12 years, 5 months ago

that is what i've never understood. how is this your problem?

anthonyloprimo 12 years, 5 months ago

I ask myself the same thing, death. (LOL, fitting username for the situation)

I'm stuck in this house for one - can't move out, no cash. It's family. She owns the house, and she's kept us under the roof even when we were in worse off times than this - we can barely afford the aid we get a couple of hours each day, and my mom can't even manage to take care of her on her own - it's a group effort.

Combine the stress with me not always being able to get out now, barely making money to keep MYSELF afloat let alone contribute to the house, and other things coming up, and… well there you go. Even if I SHOULDN'T have to deal with it, I end up getting dragged into it right now, and no actual way of getting away from it.

death 12 years, 5 months ago

well that is a shitty situation than. still you can't stop the inevitable. time to plan your escape.

anthonyloprimo 12 years, 5 months ago

You guys are welcome to fund it then. 'Cause otherwise there's not much else to be done until I get money/a better job/more commissions/hit the lottery/insert way to get money fast here that isn't illegal.

death 12 years, 5 months ago

Quote: Stevenup7002
Joking about "pulling the plug"?
i wasn't joking :3

I'm a misanthropist.

Why do you feel so much sympathy for something that's natural and inevitable? we're all going to die. it's not a terrible thing, it's just how life is.

Also acting like you can make the end of someone's life happy is a bit odd. They're in tremendous pain, they're afraid of dying and are probably drugged up. It's the most miserable time of your life. Which is why i would never want to be bed ridden. i'd rather die spontaneously and instantly. (like from falling out of an airplane or something) So like i said, Pull The Plug. Spending huge sums of money to give someone a few more miserable weeks of life seems retarded. we can not, no matter how advanced medicine gets, prevent death.

eagly 12 years, 5 months ago

I may be getting the wrong end of an incredibly thorny stick here, but I actually have no idea whatsoever about what you're complaining about. You don't need this shit? Really. Well I'm sure your aunt doesn't either. I'm actually shaking with rage at the way you've presented yourself as a person in this blog and cannot fathom the utter disregard shown for your family and your aunt.

Your aunt is in an incredibly poor state of health. You should be doing everything you can to make her as comfortable as possible. Try putting even half the energy into that as you have into whining about it here, and she may actually be incredibly grateful.

I understand that looking after someone like this can be stressful, but for the sake of your family and the loved one in question, you get over that. You do what needs to be done. I would understand if you were distraught about the fact that your aunt is so poorly but I just cannot understand this.

Quote: anthonyloprimo
Not really. I only have a competition, a business I'm looking to start and a job I'm looking to change into something more worthwhile.

Nothing at all! /sarcasm

On top of this, due to no one being able to cover for me now, I had to cancel and reschedule a job interview.
None of that is as important as a human life. None of it. Employers will always understand mitigating circumstances like caring for ill relatives, especially ones in such a poor state of health.

Quote: anthonyloprimo
And anyone that never was close to their family is lucky, too.
This is the most ridiculous statement that my eyes have ever come across. Do you really think not having people that love you and that you love around you makes you lucky? Family and friends are the most important things in life. They're what help support you in times of need.

I'm incredibly sorry to hear of what has happened to your aunt and I offer you my humblest regards and well wishes. My grandfather was in a similar position and I would have given anything to make his time easier and more comfortable. To you now, I can only say: stop thinking of yourself. If there is something you can do to help, do it.