The GMC has been blocked on my school filter. Does anyone know how to set up a proxy? I have really good hosting, so I think I can do it. (But correct me if I'm wrong, as I know nothing about proxies.)
I bet that if I require a login, disguise it as a teacher's portal, then encrypt the connection before actually connecting to the proxy, I could keep the IT people from figuring out what it is. (They sit and manually go through the school server logs, so they can see what websites are visited and catgorize them in the filter.) It's only a matter of time before I lose 64 too!Can anyone help me?
just pm optical liam
who goes to Game maker sites in the middle of a school day? its not even possible here, if you go to a non-approved site once, it blocks you and your computer priveleges are taken away. I know A guy who went to google and got kicked off. Its really stupid.
"Man, do you really need that bad to visit a website while in school? That's simply stupid, internet freak."
In IT class, I sometimes visit 64D.To short of blog.
At my school they've blocked use of any browser other than IE. I miss tabs. :(Sorry for the confusion. I don't visit it during school, but my dad is a teacher so I am there for a few hours after school.
Ah. Just bring in a flash drive with a virus on it and send it to the principal. That's what I did. Good times, good times.