Started work on a recursive ray tracer for Windows. So far it doesn't do much. For one, it doens't recurse yet, and it only calculates the diffuse term so far. It can calculate shadows and runs with multiple threads simultaneously. So far the only primitives are spheres. And it's called Lumen! ^O^
Optimisations are yet to come, so gimme a break about the speed. It also has 16x oversampling :3School is finished and my prom is on Friday. Got me a black suit with satin lapels and a red bowtie, gonna pick up some red/white checked Vans to go with it tomorrow. Not putting a picture up >.<Plan for the night is good. Gotsa get mah hair cut, go to mah friend's house where we all gonna smoke a lotta weed and get high. Then we get taken by limo to the prom. Few hours later we go out and get drunk and mo' hi.Pictures = content. <_<
Raytracing is yummy.
Any soft shadows?
Iunno how to do soft shadows with rays. And you can go fuck yourself if you think I'm not too lazy to implement shadow buffers.
no idea what that is?drugs are bad mmmkay?
Wikipedia and Google know.
This was so done in Game Maker. :p
My comment!