Trail Devlog 01 - Probably not gonna finish

Posted by bswaldmann on Oct. 13, 2014, 10:09 a.m.

Building an RPG in Game Maker is hard, I've found.


I'd use RPG Maker, but I want Paper Mario style timed hits, which Game Maker seems better at.

This little quick test took me an hour or two, but I think it's coming along nicely.

Don't got much to say on this one since nothing really does anything cool yet, but it looks neat I feel. I love working with minimal color palettes.


Alert Games 10 years, 4 months ago

Game Maker doesn't have much more than tools that assist in the development side of games. Which is why they added extensions and the new marketplace for them i'm guessing. Who knows, maybe someone will build a robust RPG engine extension for Game Maker which would be cool. GM is pretty flexible at least…

colseed 10 years, 4 months ago

mfw i click on the video expecting no sound and get hierophant greens and dio wryyyyyys ;-;

looks like it's coming along aight though

learning to make an RPG from scratch is a good character building exercise, i hear 8D

NeutralReiddHotel 10 years, 4 months ago

a little bit of advice, and this is nitpicking, but put the character in the middle of the screen instead of the top right. i'd hate to play a game and only keep looking at the top right when the character is so small.. that seems more like where the HUD should be

nice effects, and it seems like you got the basics of the battle animations down. now it's time for the enemies to attack too!

LAR Games 10 years, 4 months ago

Oh, I completely agree about the difficulty. I'm working on an RPG engine too!

I've been working on mine for like a month though, and it's more of an action RPG engine comparatively.

I'm impressed that you got that done in a hour. It pretty much already has more gameplay than mine does since I haven't even added enemies yet. haha

bswaldmann 10 years, 4 months ago

Reiddsan: I was recreating the FF1 battle menu from memory, upon investigation it seems that yes, that is where the HUD goes! Will probably adjust before moving forward more on this.