Why am I not done with my game?

Posted by carritohmc on Jan. 24, 2011, 2:16 a.m.

I was reading some of my older posts, "a demo and a video whipped up" I said…. wow that was like 4 months ago. That's cool, I've gotten a lot done, I seriously thought I'd be done by today, but my old laptop croaked on me.

"No problem" I said as I put down about 2,000 bucks and bought a brand spanking new Dell desktop (Studio xps) superpowers included. So I got Game maker up and running, license transferred well to the new Desktop, game looked sick on the HD monitor and…. what??? It crashed!!!

No way, not my new desktop, there's no effing way. "Maybe it's game maker not playing nice with Windows 7", so I started playing some internet radio as I googled any possible… oh what??? It crashed…again…. no way.

Needless to say, instead of working on my game I've been busy having chat sessions with various dell reps, re-installing Windows, a new hard drive and now waiting for parts. Glad I got the warranty.


Ferret 14 years, 1 month ago

Build your computer.

JuurianChi 14 years, 1 month ago

Dell sucks.

Build your own computer or pay someone to build it from scratch. ie(iBUYPOWER.com)

Carlos508 14 years, 1 month ago

yea build your own. oooh never saw that link looks nice, i used to use tigerdirect.com

carritohmc 14 years ago

Yep, definitely learned the hard way. I guess next time I'll go that route, till then my motherboard's been replaced and so far no problems, hopefully I can continue.