Updating an old project

Posted by death on Nov. 21, 2012, 8:45 p.m.

For some reason, i got interested in looking back at some of my old stuff. While doing so, i discovered that… everything i made was s***. It's so terrible that i feel bad even having it on my profile at YYG.

However it's not all bad feelings. There's also some good that came from this. I realize just how much i have progressed over the years. Looking over my old code i can't help but laugh at the stupid way i did things and the easy-to-fix mistakes i made. It feels good to know that i haven't been wasting my time these past 2 years.

With that said, i've always wanted to polish up one of my older projects and that project is under 60 seconds. I've always liked this one the most in terms of design. It plays decently, and the level design and concepts are pretty good. The best part though is that the game is actually fun to me. And that's all i want a game to be.

So i started working on it again, digging up some of that old code and reworking it. There was a lot that needed fixing. However it wasn't broken or anything, so all the major changes in code are mostly NEW things entirely that i added. That being said, there are still some bugs that i didn't fix on purpose. Reason being that the current level design might actually depend on some of the strange physics and collisions. Changing a major mechanic like that could make some areas unreachable or something. I will get around to it eventually though. (as i remember people complaining about those movable blocks :P)

I added a lot to the game, new graphics, new sounds, new gameplay modes like Battle Mode which is a multiplayer arena style mode with up to 3 human players and an AI bot (that's brutally difficult), oh and a split-screen mode for the campaign!

One thing that always bugged me about the original version was the terrible graphics, so i spent a lot of time really polishing up the appearance. Not sure how good a job i did though :\

You can play the new version by clicking on the banner below:

or download it here at yyg.

i would really appreciate some feedback on the changes i made, as well as some help pin-pointing some of the bugs that may have been left in. though it's not a huge game, it can still be hard to find some of those little bugs hidden underneath rocks and such.

(also i would update the game's page here at 64D but the modifying game files page is totally broken. can't use files from the file manager so yeah…)


Pirate-rob 12 years, 1 month ago

Quote: Death
well i doubt it's over powered if you can still get killed at level 3. Or this "power" must not mean a thing than. Level 3 is so early too, it's sad to see such an easy level defeat people so quickly :(

Oh yeah the laser beats over poweredness cause it's insta kill, I think most deaths just come from the laser, I don't think I was killed once by anything else…

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 1 month ago



death 12 years, 1 month ago

Oh yeah the laser beats over poweredness cause it's insta kill, I think most deaths just come from the laser, I don't think I was killed once by anything else…
that's because there aren't any large threats in Level 3 xD

There are some massively annoying enemies later on, as well as massive amount of annoying enemies :3

On levels like 13, you will be dying by enemies more often than the laser. also spikes! and enemies WITH spikes xD

Pirate-rob 12 years, 1 month ago

Haha challenge accepted!

Unaligned 12 years, 1 month ago

Neat, here's some pointers:

-Music/Sfx volume options, for me the music was too loud compared to the sounds.

-We're almost in 2013, make the game run at 60 fps

-Pushable blocks are buggy as all hell.

-The destructible grey blocks are sometimes hard to tell apart from the rest.

-Why are there empty spaces on the sides of the screen where I can fall to my death?

-The hitboxes of the projectiles are kinda iffy

-Increase the tension as the timer runs out, change the text color, make the font bigger, make it flash, etc. It's a game about being quick and getting to the end on time, after all. Make the player say OSHIIII- as the timer counts down its final seconds.

-I can just ignore most enemies because I'll get my health back with the pickups.

-The lasers are sometimes impossible to dodge, not that it matters much because of the point above though.

-Give the player a score based on the performance of each level (take into account time taken/health lost/pickups collected/enemies defeated/etc.). Replayability could skyrocket if you did something similar to the challenge levels in Kirby's Adventure Wii.

Overall I liked it, even though I haven't played much (up to whatever level in which the background is switched), I see potential in this.

death 12 years, 1 month ago


thanks for the feedback. There is a score based on performance but it's a score that's totalled only at the end of the game, not at each level. The older version showed you your score at the top right, but i removed it since it looked like crap. However the score is still being counted internally and you will still be given a RANK at the end of the game. Though i agree, a score at the end of each level might be better. If that's the case, i'll have to change the menu up a bit, make it something more similar to Super Meat Boy's menu where you can choose and view scores for all levels very easily.

The gray blocks became harder to see when i changed the standard blocks sprite to be softer/lighter. I tried making it slightly darker a few times but i'll admit it still is a little too close. I'll make sure to change that in the future.

I agree with everything else too :3

there is still a lot of work to be done, that's for sure. I also liked the idea about making the timer get larger or flash when it closer to the end. Though the only issue i have with this is it's not exactly the timer that kills you but the laser following you which is usually in view most of the time.

i'm not sure if 60 fps would be very noticeable in a game with almost NO animation. also there are a lot of particles now and i had fps problems in Battle mode or any level with a lot of particles. I had to decrease the particles by a lot. it doesn't even create a particle per step, i have it create particles every OTHER step, makes it much faster but you can kinda see the gaps when using fast weapons like the Rockets. (which im going to slow down anyway)

thanks for playing ^.^

Pirate-rob 12 years, 1 month ago

I actually think the hard to see destructable blocks make it challenging, then again I've only made it to level 3 :P