Competition Time! [FIN]

Posted by eagly on March 14, 2016, 4:18 p.m.

We have a winner!




Get your votes in by Wednesday 9pm GMT. I've gone back on the 3 day voting period because I realised I'm busy for the whole of Thursday, Friday and probably most of Saturday. And it means a quicker turn around.

So VOTE VOTE VOTE. Post a comment with your first and second choice entries and on Wednesday at 9pm, I'll count the votes and choose a winner.

In the meantime, I'll try and get permissions in the Steam group for officers to actually modify the profile image…

The Entries




L.A.R. Games

It's compemetition time!

In celebration of the fact that we now have control over the 64Digits Steam group again, I want to hold a competition to get a new profile picture designed for it! The current one is a bit crap and has been there for far too long.

What to do

So because we're a CAOLMLMIUNNOINTEY, we're turning that responsibility over to our members! Get out your paint brushes, your pencils and your tablets and make some sweet, sweet art.

Let's keep it 64Digits and gaming related. The image gets displayed at 184x184 pixels, so keep that in mind when you're doing your designering. No other requirements, no other constraints.

The Prize!

We'll take the entries, and again, let the community decide on which they like the best. The winner will get used as the new profile image for the group. I'll also give the creator of the winning entry a Steam game of their choice up to the value of £20!


You have from the exact moment you read this blog post up until next Monday the 21st of March. That's ONE WHOLE WEEK from now.

So get cracking!


Gift of Death 8 years, 9 months ago

1st LAR, then Mega.

While I really like the idea and how the one Mega made looks, I highly prefer something simpler as a community icon (or any other kind of logo for that matter since the point is to be easily recognised and remembered, feel free to go nuts designing header banners or whatever though).

Astryl 8 years, 9 months ago

I'll be honest, I never thought of the downscaled icon (I forget that's what they do on the community popups).

So yeah, my design scaled directly to 32px looks kinda crap:

Can partially crop it to make it better:

But I don't think Steam allows for multiple images for the different situations it's used in.

EDIT: For comparison's sake, the others:

From what I can tell, Steam uses a fixed 32px size for all community event popups (Not confirmed on phone app, confirmed on crappy laptop and main PC). So either way, I think the winner will require tweaking to make it look passable at 32px, with the exception of Cosine's.

twisterghost 8 years, 9 months ago

1st Mega

2nd Cosine

Quietus 8 years, 9 months ago

1st Cosine. 2nd Mega.

Mega's is cool but a bit dark on my computer.

Quote: Mega
Can partially crop it to make it better:

I like this one.

Jani_Nykanen 8 years, 9 months ago

Because I like simplicity, I choose:

1st Cosine

2nd LAR

Omega_Squid 8 years, 9 months ago

1. Cosine

2. Mega

I don't really hate the current one, but I guess I'm in the minority

colseed 8 years, 9 months ago

i'd be okay with the current one if it didn't have u n e v e n c o l u m n s

also given the group description reads "THE CIRCLE MUST BE BROKEN" i'm slightly surprised no one tried throwing 64 digits in a circle or something

but here

1. cosine

2. lar

points to ferret and mega for potfrog and pixels, respectively

Toast 8 years, 9 months ago

I vote for the avatar used by this account

It certainly looks readable as a tiny icon.

also, I vote Ferret

RC 8 years, 9 months ago

1. Cosine

2. LAR

Astryl 8 years, 9 months ago

Mega, you should totally make us a full res site banner in your style. I could use it for a…certain thing I'm working on.
Sure, just tell me what dimensions you want :P