Cell Burst, Online

Posted by elmernite on May 19, 2007, 6:43 p.m.

Thats right! I've begun working on the online stuff in Cell Burst. Of course, it's crawling along as this is my first ever attemt at online programming. The other big thing is that I'm also trying to set up my own stat handling and such rather than go with Reflect. (I'll cover that farther down) So far I have a very basic stat tracking set up. I also have a partly working server list method set up. So that's going alright.<br><br>Then as far as the online itself goes. I've gotten to the point where I can chat between two open versions of the game on the same computer. As far as the rest of it goes we'll see how that turns out. Hopefully I'll have online working enough so my beta testers can get their hands on it before the end of the month. Don't count on it though. Online is hard. So here's your screens.<br><br><img src="http://64digits.com/users/elmernite/cbonlinechat.jpg" border="0"/><br><img src="http://64digits.com/users/elmernite/cbonlinelogin.jpg" border="0"/><br><br><br>Reflect:<br>The main reason I'm trying to avoid Reflect (There's a few small one's that don't need mentioning) Is that I don't like the idea of my game's online all hanging on a third party system. What if I closes? Mess's up? I'd have to releace an entirely new update that would change all of that. I'd rather put in the extra work and have it completely linked to me. So Cell Burst's online play won't go down unless I do. I Don't have anything against Reflect, that's just how I'd like it.<br><br>That's all for today people.<br>-Elmernite


elmernite 17 years, 9 months ago

Mostly just online mode. I don't get to work on it very often. Just last week I worked 37 hours. For part time, that's pretty good.


Nighthawk 17 years, 9 months ago

Reflect is pretty reliable, ST uses it. =/

elmernite 17 years, 9 months ago

It is now, will it be in month, a year? I'd rather it be hosted on my site personaly. That way if It goes down I can look into it directly. I'm sure reflect will last for years and be very good, but I would rather have it be solely based on me.

Like I said it's nothing personal against Reflect.


Nighthawk 17 years, 9 months ago

I know, well, that's okay, it'll be good no matter who hosts it… Unless it's freewebs…

sasracer 17 years, 9 months ago

why against freewebs?

Anyhow, Idk how long it takes, but Im waiting for the next update.

PS: do you know if that 9th mode will work?

elmernite 17 years, 9 months ago

Freewebs is slow.

The next update has been somewhat slowed by my cold. I've been feeling pretty crummy and all lately.

No I don't know yet if it will work. Which is the main reason I've been silent as to what it is. I'll mostlikely be testing it ine the next few weeks.


TCHRacoon 17 years, 8 months ago

I love Cellburst. I've played it for hours. It's my favourite game on 64digits!!! When it comes online I will certainly play it all day!!!

Ok, enough suckin' up. Good luck with programming!!!

elmernite 17 years, 8 months ago

