Personal blog

Posted by elmernite on Aug. 20, 2007, 8:24 p.m.

I've been busy the last few days and have gotten very little work done on gm. <br><br>Collage for me starts on the 20th so I've been getting ready to go to it. Just spent a whole ton of money on my books for the first semester. I'm going for a dual associate degree in computer science. One in the programming and the other in networking. I'm sorta looking forward to it and I'm a little nervous. This semster I'm taking Math, Intro to computer logic and programming, intro to networking, Intro VB, and Micro computer OS's. (also oritation class) <br><br>I will still be working while I'm going to Collage. I'll only be working on Friday's and Saturday's. The other days I'm devoting to Collage. <br><br>This will of course cut into my Game Maker time very severly. However, I hope to be mostly finished with all of the offline programming of Cell Burst by the time Collage starts. Once I finish Cell Burst, it might be a while before I pick up another project due to collage. Perhaps in that time I can get that platform AI example out that so many people want.<br><br>// end update on life<br>// begin other life update<br><br>In Cell Burst I want to have a total of 12-13 levels. However, alot of the stuff will be locked at the beginning. Unlockable content will be based on stuff like total games won, total shots hit, ect… This will be a little added incentive for you to come back and play it some more, to unlock that one more level…<br><br>I've also been tossing around an idea lately, Not related to my games, but rather to the Gm world as a whole. I won't mention any more on it yet. I surely won't start on it till Cell Burst is finished, but if I do it, I'm sure many people would enjoy it.<br><br>Well, I guess thats enough for now.<br>-Elmernite


APlusHost 17 years, 6 months ago

Fixed Date Issue.

elmernite 17 years, 6 months ago

Ehhh, kinda. Maybe I'm just blogging from the future.


Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 6 months ago

Cool. I get to post in the middle of this whole comment list. MWhahaha.

stampede 17 years, 6 months ago

Micro computer OS's sounds interesting O_o I want that too.

flashback 17 years, 6 months ago

Well, I can't say this phenomenon is uninteresting…

OL 17 years, 6 months ago

Quote: Matt
Err… someone's messed up the date and time settings…

No they havn't, we've just gone back to the future. As you can see, like some kind of voodoo-magic, I have posted this before you. Now we need more JIGGAWATTS!

Bryan 17 years, 6 months ago

Kewl =D

TwistyWristy 17 years, 6 months ago


Oh and Elmernite?

I know your not supposed to say what happens in the future


Well let's just say don't do what you did because if you did do what you did it wouldn't go down too well with the police.

Then again, what if NOT doing what you did to prevent doing what you did lead to what you did do in the first place?

Confusing shtuff this future business is, is it not?

Anyways, good luck with that, I'm off to 2020 to join the 64D revolt (those people and their mind altering code, I tell you…)


elmernite 17 years, 6 months ago

Oh, yeah, I had to take a course in paranormal logic before they would let me go into the future.

Of course, I wasn't supposed to blog while I was in the future so now I'm running from the future police. Which is a good bit harder than running from normal cops.


mesenberg 17 years, 6 months ago

the reeeeal question is, where do you goto college?