Personal blog

Posted by elmernite on Aug. 20, 2007, 8:24 p.m.

I've been busy the last few days and have gotten very little work done on gm. <br><br>Collage for me starts on the 20th so I've been getting ready to go to it. Just spent a whole ton of money on my books for the first semester. I'm going for a dual associate degree in computer science. One in the programming and the other in networking. I'm sorta looking forward to it and I'm a little nervous. This semster I'm taking Math, Intro to computer logic and programming, intro to networking, Intro VB, and Micro computer OS's. (also oritation class) <br><br>I will still be working while I'm going to Collage. I'll only be working on Friday's and Saturday's. The other days I'm devoting to Collage. <br><br>This will of course cut into my Game Maker time very severly. However, I hope to be mostly finished with all of the offline programming of Cell Burst by the time Collage starts. Once I finish Cell Burst, it might be a while before I pick up another project due to collage. Perhaps in that time I can get that platform AI example out that so many people want.<br><br>// end update on life<br>// begin other life update<br><br>In Cell Burst I want to have a total of 12-13 levels. However, alot of the stuff will be locked at the beginning. Unlockable content will be based on stuff like total games won, total shots hit, ect… This will be a little added incentive for you to come back and play it some more, to unlock that one more level…<br><br>I've also been tossing around an idea lately, Not related to my games, but rather to the Gm world as a whole. I won't mention any more on it yet. I surely won't start on it till Cell Burst is finished, but if I do it, I'm sure many people would enjoy it.<br><br>Well, I guess thats enough for now.<br>-Elmernite


elmernite 17 years, 6 months ago

I go to Wallace State Community Collage in AL.

It's pretty nice. I look forward to going to school there.
