64digits exclusive (almost)

Posted by elmernite on April 1, 2008, 10:41 p.m.

I’ve gotten a beta of Rosetta Stone out. It contains both game modes and I’ve got the music in there. (Sorry, still no sound fx’s)

Click Here

The game does have working online highscores for both game modes. However, I will have to clear all of the beta scores for the final release because I will most likely fiddle a little more with the score balance. However, You can see how you stack up against all of your fellow 64digiters. (This is pretty much the only place that gets the game, I post this blog on my site as well, but I don’t think it gets to many views there. Hence the "exclusive (almost)")

So please give me feedback and everything. This is extremely important. What do you think of the number version? Original? Fun? Crummy?

How about the graphics?

How about the music?

How about the highscores?

If you read back a few blogs of mine I mention a Dev log I was keeping for Rosetta Stone. Well…. I stopped that a long while ago. At first it worked well. Then it just became more of a hassle than it was a motivator. At first every time I thought of the Dev log I would jump on my game so I would have something to add. But I got tired of it and it lost it’s effectiveness. Maybe I can keep up one for my next game.

So what do you think my games chances are in the YoYogames comp? First? Second? Third? Honorable Mention? Last? Go ahead predict what place it will come in! Then we’ll see how it comes out in the end. I wonder who will guess the closest…

Overall, I was really glad about the comp. I had had this game idea for a while and when this competition came up I thought it would fit perfectly. And the Comp made me push it to a level of polish that I most likely have never met and it made me get it out faster than I normally ever would have. So I’m pretty happy.

Well, that’s it! I look forward to your names in the highscores list! Remember to leave feedback!



Bryan 16 years, 10 months ago

You have a good chance of beeing in the top 3 yeah!

Bryan 16 years, 10 months ago

Very, Very nice. My longest word was Entropy =D

Xxypher 16 years, 10 months ago

I am awesome.

Cesque 16 years, 10 months ago

Visually and conceptually, the game is perfect. It is also very addictive. Unfortunately, in terms of gameplay, it is either unfair or lacking.

The math part is so obviously cheat-friendly right now this is no fun: you can get megascores by adding zeroes and dividing by ones, not to mention just adding and subtracting (or multiplying by and dividing by) the same number.

The word part is more fair, but it is far too rewarding for using short words. This is especially harsh because of the current block drop system - where they drop is completely random, and the speed depends on your word length and score, so if you take your time and come up with a longer word, chances are, you will suddenly get a flood of blocks on one side of the scales, then BAM game over.

As long as you don't run out of vowels, you can pretty much make up any 3-letter combination to count as a valid word and get rid of explosive / heavy blocks. On the other hand, trying to come up with longer words seems to be a waste of time, especially that - chances are - they won't count; neither "sudoku" nor "Norse" classify as valid words - but that's to be blamed on the dictionary.

The score system right now is fine and balanced as far as word length is concerned. It's the rapid and random block drop that offers a problem. Oh, and the appearance of explosive and eavy blocks should depend more on gameplay time, and less on your score.

My suggestions:

- Fix the math. Somehow. Anyhow. Or, if need be, get rid of it or at least have it use a separate score system…

- Change the block fall system and speed. The chance of blocks dropping on either side of the scale should be random, but it should also be slightly less or more depending on the weight of the other side.

- Perhaps adjust block fall speed depending on the length of inserted words… long words should buy you some peace and quiet, while short ones should increase the fall speed or reset it to default.

- If all else fails, use total word length as a score modifier.

- Make e's drop more ;)

elmernite 16 years, 10 months ago

Thanks everyone!

@ Xxypher: Did you not submit your scores online?

Now Cesque, I was going to wait till I got home to post. But you've got a lot of great feedback so I'll catch it now So I can get a few more detailed points from you.

- Nice points about the math I'll work on that.

- I do have a system like this in place. I guess your saying the system is to hard? EI: If the left side gets just a little bit down it seems to always drop them there?

- The problem with that is, If you just spelled a longer word there's alot less letters now. So My system drops more to make up for it. I guess it mght seem as a bit of a punishment for spelling longer words, but how to I get extra letters down there?

- What exactly do you mean by that?

- Thanks! I'll go ahead and do that.

Thanks for all of the awesome feedback. I'll work on alot of those things. Awesome. Hopefully I'll be able to edit the game and get an updated version out before the weekend. Did you submit your scores online?


contrendo 16 years, 10 months ago

If you try to divide something with 0 you get an error.

Bryan 16 years, 10 months ago

I had a floating block.. It collided to the one right of it, somehow…like



Cesque 16 years, 10 months ago

Thanks for taking my comment into account :)

- I do have a system like this in place. I guess your saying the system is to hard? EI: If the left side gets just a little bit down it seems to always drop them there?

What I meant is that the blocks should have a slightly bigger chance of falling on the side which is higher, the bigger the more the difference between both sides is.

Or at least everytime a block drops on one side, the chance for dropping on that side again should be slightly decreased.

- The problem with that is, If you just spelled a longer word there's alot less letters now. So My system drops more to make up for it. I guess it mght seem as a bit of a punishment for spelling longer words, but how to I get extra letters down there?

Heh, I can understand this - but you could at least decrease the time it takes for these blocks to make up for used letters (it would still be faster than regular, but not that very much).

The thing is, I think if you make up for every block used, you take out a lot of motivation to spell longer words. The chief idea behind coming up with them is to get rid of more blocks, and if the balance is always kept, the extra points are hardly a compensation - sure, you get more points, but the game becomes harder to win (as you typically lose more time).

- What exactly do you mean by that?

I mean that, at the end of the game, you could multiply the score by some value based on average word length, eg. by (average_word_length - 2). This way, you would get more points if you consistently kept spelling longer words, as it is currently hard to win the game by doing so, and using shorter words can get just the same score, over time.

Of course, this could be pretty imbalanced, especially for short games.

Did you submit your scores online?

Only once, as "bob", for testing purposes for the spelling part ;) I couldn't submit the score in math part, after that - I assumed this was taken out :/

If you try to divide something with 0 you get an error.

Yep - that's the fault of interior GM calculation system, but I guess you could disable using zeroes after division signs. I've also seen another bug message, but I can't exactly remember when…

elmernite 16 years, 10 months ago

@ contrendo: What Cesque said.

@ Bryan: Thanks I'll see what I can do.

@ Cesque


What I meant is that the blocks should have a slightly bigger chance of falling on the side which is higher, the bigger the more the difference between both sides is.

It seems to me that this would almost keep the game playing for too long. There's not much of a struggle if the game almost helps itself balance.


and if the balance is always kept, the extra points are hardly a compensation
Point there, but I guess I didn't discribe the system well enough. What the game tries to do is keep a minimum of thirty blocks out at all times. When it gets below thirty it drops them a little bit faster. If it gets below fifteen it drops them really fast. Thats to make sure that theres enough blocks to spell more words. Thats the way the game currently works. Any thoughts on that?


I mean that, at the end of the game, you could multiply the score by some value based on average word length, eg. by (average_word_length - 2).

So you don't thing the point difference is enough between shorter words and longer words?

30 - 3 letters

160 - 4 lett…

250 - 5

360 - 6

480 - 7

640 - 8

810 - 9

1000 - 10

Thats the point spread. You don't think thats enough incitive to spell longer words? If not, a system like you mentioned is a good idea. (Or I could simply change it so that 4 and 5 letter words give a little less and raise the others.)


I couldn't submit the score in math part, after that - I assumed this was taken out :/
Couldn't submit, as in the game wouldn't let you? As in a bug! Darn…

Thanks for the great feedback again! This is great!


mesenberg 16 years, 10 months ago

oh crap someone mentioned the div by zero error before I did! Ruined my huge highscore too..

I think this game is very proffesional but I really dont know where to place it in the comp… I guess we'll find out. The music is very awsome.

You need to make it seem more urgent when the player is about to loose. like the music going faster (if thats even possible) or flashing lights or something to make the player more nervious.

overall pretty nice.