64digits exclusive (almost)

Posted by elmernite on April 1, 2008, 10:41 p.m.

I’ve gotten a beta of Rosetta Stone out. It contains both game modes and I’ve got the music in there. (Sorry, still no sound fx’s)

Click Here

The game does have working online highscores for both game modes. However, I will have to clear all of the beta scores for the final release because I will most likely fiddle a little more with the score balance. However, You can see how you stack up against all of your fellow 64digiters. (This is pretty much the only place that gets the game, I post this blog on my site as well, but I don’t think it gets to many views there. Hence the "exclusive (almost)")

So please give me feedback and everything. This is extremely important. What do you think of the number version? Original? Fun? Crummy?

How about the graphics?

How about the music?

How about the highscores?

If you read back a few blogs of mine I mention a Dev log I was keeping for Rosetta Stone. Well…. I stopped that a long while ago. At first it worked well. Then it just became more of a hassle than it was a motivator. At first every time I thought of the Dev log I would jump on my game so I would have something to add. But I got tired of it and it lost it’s effectiveness. Maybe I can keep up one for my next game.

So what do you think my games chances are in the YoYogames comp? First? Second? Third? Honorable Mention? Last? Go ahead predict what place it will come in! Then we’ll see how it comes out in the end. I wonder who will guess the closest…

Overall, I was really glad about the comp. I had had this game idea for a while and when this competition came up I thought it would fit perfectly. And the Comp made me push it to a level of polish that I most likely have never met and it made me get it out faster than I normally ever would have. So I’m pretty happy.

Well, that’s it! I look forward to your names in the highscores list! Remember to leave feedback!



elmernite 16 years, 10 months ago

Sorry, I've already fixed the divide by zero error. (Just haven't uploaded a fixed version) Though, may I ask, what were you trying to do dividing by zero?

Thanks about the music, spent a good amount of time picking it out.

There is the little red flashing light under the scale. Maybe I could do something little clearer. (Maybe I can make the music faster.)



Distortion 16 years, 9 months ago

cool game, youve got a good chance of a high rank I guess. At least if they award original ideas over standard action shooting games.

You should be able to control the speed. I mean in selecting the difficulty. But then the highscores…

elmernite 16 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, I wanted to have a difficult setting back at the start. But There was no good way. Either have a different highscore for each game mode difficulty. (which would be kinda dumb) or just not have a difficulty setting.

I went with the latter because it made more sense.

