Cheap hosting for YOUish people.

Posted by firestormx on Jan. 25, 2008, 3:19 a.m.

Okay, for no particular reason, I decided to write myself a blog.

Things have been going pretty good lately. I got my G2 roughtly a week ago; now I just need insurance.

Miranda got a job, and found a new place to live, so hopefully things for her will become really stable.

I really like the fact that Miranda has a job now. It means she has something productive to do, that she's making money, and that she doesn't have to visit every day. Nothing against that; I love every moment of her being here, but I don't get much done while she's here, so with her focusing on her job, I'm able to catch up on school and stuff - which really needs caught up on…Fuckin' Shay…You get someone out of so many tight school-binds (it's not as kinky as it sounds), and they go off and "graduate" and get a "job", and use it as an excuse to not repay the favour. >_>

But yeah, Miranda with a job…It's great. I think she's making friends, which is really important; it's not good for her that I'm her only social connection down here. She's trying to recruit a few of her friends to move down here too, but eh.

Of course the best part (sarcasm) is that she's finally making more than $100/month. I'm not going to give exact numbers of what I've spent "on her" (which makes it sound really bad, 'cause at LEAST half the money went to my meals/movies/transportation/activities she doesn't find fun), but it's roughly a year of post-secondary education. When you have a lot of money, it dissapears fucking fast. I caught it about a month ago, and as such, my spending has come screeching to a halt. w00t. Replenishing money. I feel kinda stupid that so much money got spent without me even really realizing it, but it's something that's gotta be learned through experience. With Miranda's job, minus her rent, groceries, transportation, and saving of at least $500, she'll be able to pay 100% of our dates once-or-twice-a-week.

…In otherwords, she's making good money, and now I don't have to pay for anything. Bwahaha.

Nah, I wouldn't do that to her; she's going to need to save a lot of money for her future.

In other news, I stood up while stretching today, and I got so intensly dizzy and euphorically disorientied, that I got a sudden craving for a mood altering substance.

Then Lethal posted a blog in which he states that he believes marijuana should be legalized, which of course I couldn't sit back and not point out reasons it shouldn't be.

…I failed to point out reasons very efficiently, but the point is that you bastards need to come do drive-bys on my house with potato guns, so that they will collect at my doorway, ferment, and I will have vodka.

Umm, in programming news, I'm working on a Turn Based Strategy game run on a javascript engine, in which you will get to cultivate teh micro inside you. Yes, I know JS-run games are lame, slow, and don't work out how you want, I don't think this one will get too much critisim because it's based on JS (though the gameplay will probably get slammed across the face) since the interface can basically be run with a simiple HTML+refresh/iframe system, but JS simply enhances the user's experience.

So I would like to know:

For any strategy game you've played (RTS or TBS), weither it's miltary or civilzation/political/etc, what are complaints you've had. (Even if it's something that doesn't happen in most strat games; I need to know these things, to make sure I don't do them in mine). For example, "in game X, soldiers that were placed in a transport plane going mach .75, were able to shoot at enemies on the ground".

Also, what are elements/ideas/concepts that you would want in a strat game? (Makes no difference if these are in a strat game or not) For example, "soldiers should be able to be airlifted", or "disease from dead bodies that have no been buried, should spread through the populace".

Since it's basic html/js, please keep the ideas primarly to concepts and ideas, rather than things like "well, I never did like helicopter animations in any strat game I've played. You had better make awesome animations".


Since this could possibly get Canadonian and I some income, I decided to place this at the bottom of my blog, since people will probably just go straight to "view comments", to post some off-topic comment.

Anyway, for fairly low and customized prices, you can host your site on 64D's server. Depending on your site, it'll probably only be like $5-$10/month, and we'd have to actually approve the hosting.

I doubt anyone here will want to pay for this, but Canadonian and I offer to host our clients on our server for an extra monthly fee, so I figured I might as well mention that to you guys as well.

…We'll also make you a site, but I doubt you guys will want to pay us a lot of money to do something you'd be able to do with a bit of research.

We'll code you a more-basic version of 64D for a grand? A smaller site for a few hundred?

*shrugs* The main point is that I want your money, and if you want fairly cheap hosting with php/mysql/everything, hosted on a dedicated server with only a few small sites (with the exception of 64D, which barely uses any of the server resources) running on it, let us know.


PY 17 years, 1 month ago

Cool, a fsx blog. [/offtopiccomment]

A basic version of 64D for a grand? For one thing, how basic, but for another, I can't afford a grand!

Your RTS sounds cool, BTW, will it be MMO?

firestormx 17 years, 1 month ago

Haha, yeah, it'll be MMO. I suck ass at AI. Path finding and simple battles are enough work, without needing to code something that'll have so much control.

I'm actually planning for it to be a fairly large scale game, so I'm hoping a lot of people from 64D join up at the begining, so I can get the basic tier system, teams, and wars going.

PY 17 years, 1 month ago

Sounds cool, I'll join when you're done, I think a lot of 64D-ers will.

FireflyX 17 years, 1 month ago

Whats a G2? I have some sort of licence that means i can drive as long as an experieced driver is in the car with me but i turn 17 in 3 weeks so i can take my test and get a proper licence. I don't have a job so it's hard to afford a car for me let alone insurance but i worked it out that my insurance was going to be about £6000 so best get a job first >_>

$5-$10 a month is pretty good for space on a dedicated server but i'll just stick with paying my ridiculous amount of money for unlimited webspace that i probably don't need.

Why use js for a turn based stratergy? Flash would do a better job but since you are i don't think you should do a constant iframe refresh because it looks really obvious that it's refreshing and content in iframes can sometimes load really slow. Are you actually using any PHP/MySQL to store the players positions etc? If you are then just use setInterval() to run some ajax every 2 seconds or so and then have the ajax run the PHP script to select the positons from the database… that's how i would it but use your iframe system if you will. I did that with a chatroom and an active users list and they didn't flicker like they would if they were in iframes. Anyway as for ideas i think that units should be able to have weapon upgrades which is something that i've always thought the command and conquer games should have. I also like the idea in C&C games where you have those crates that randomly appear around the map every so often where you can get bonuses from such as extra cash.

Oh and btw i was coding people basic versions of 64digits for free ;) nobodys going to give you a grand XD

OL 17 years, 1 month ago

It's nice to hear from you again FSX, glad you're doing alright.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 1 month ago

Hey, it's good to hear that you're still among the living.

Free hosting beats cheap hosting, unfortunately. I'm happy with what I've got. :)

s 17 years ago

What I can't stand in those kind of games are interfaces with an overload of menus. But I guess playing a bunch of shumps and being a fan of KISS just does that

Flea1991 17 years ago

Yes, what exactly IS a "G2," my friend?

flashback 17 years ago

AudioBagel is coming.

Castypher 17 years ago

Wait, $100/month? Tell me you were being sarcastic there, too.

Anyhow, yeh, I'd pay to be hosted here. What are the specs you plan to give? Like…MySQL, disk space, bandwidth, etc…?