Cheap hosting for YOUish people.

Posted by firestormx on Jan. 25, 2008, 3:19 a.m.

Okay, for no particular reason, I decided to write myself a blog.

Things have been going pretty good lately. I got my G2 roughtly a week ago; now I just need insurance.

Miranda got a job, and found a new place to live, so hopefully things for her will become really stable.

I really like the fact that Miranda has a job now. It means she has something productive to do, that she's making money, and that she doesn't have to visit every day. Nothing against that; I love every moment of her being here, but I don't get much done while she's here, so with her focusing on her job, I'm able to catch up on school and stuff - which really needs caught up on…Fuckin' Shay…You get someone out of so many tight school-binds (it's not as kinky as it sounds), and they go off and "graduate" and get a "job", and use it as an excuse to not repay the favour. >_>

But yeah, Miranda with a job…It's great. I think she's making friends, which is really important; it's not good for her that I'm her only social connection down here. She's trying to recruit a few of her friends to move down here too, but eh.

Of course the best part (sarcasm) is that she's finally making more than $100/month. I'm not going to give exact numbers of what I've spent "on her" (which makes it sound really bad, 'cause at LEAST half the money went to my meals/movies/transportation/activities she doesn't find fun), but it's roughly a year of post-secondary education. When you have a lot of money, it dissapears fucking fast. I caught it about a month ago, and as such, my spending has come screeching to a halt. w00t. Replenishing money. I feel kinda stupid that so much money got spent without me even really realizing it, but it's something that's gotta be learned through experience. With Miranda's job, minus her rent, groceries, transportation, and saving of at least $500, she'll be able to pay 100% of our dates once-or-twice-a-week.

…In otherwords, she's making good money, and now I don't have to pay for anything. Bwahaha.

Nah, I wouldn't do that to her; she's going to need to save a lot of money for her future.

In other news, I stood up while stretching today, and I got so intensly dizzy and euphorically disorientied, that I got a sudden craving for a mood altering substance.

Then Lethal posted a blog in which he states that he believes marijuana should be legalized, which of course I couldn't sit back and not point out reasons it shouldn't be.

…I failed to point out reasons very efficiently, but the point is that you bastards need to come do drive-bys on my house with potato guns, so that they will collect at my doorway, ferment, and I will have vodka.

Umm, in programming news, I'm working on a Turn Based Strategy game run on a javascript engine, in which you will get to cultivate teh micro inside you. Yes, I know JS-run games are lame, slow, and don't work out how you want, I don't think this one will get too much critisim because it's based on JS (though the gameplay will probably get slammed across the face) since the interface can basically be run with a simiple HTML+refresh/iframe system, but JS simply enhances the user's experience.

So I would like to know:

For any strategy game you've played (RTS or TBS), weither it's miltary or civilzation/political/etc, what are complaints you've had. (Even if it's something that doesn't happen in most strat games; I need to know these things, to make sure I don't do them in mine). For example, "in game X, soldiers that were placed in a transport plane going mach .75, were able to shoot at enemies on the ground".

Also, what are elements/ideas/concepts that you would want in a strat game? (Makes no difference if these are in a strat game or not) For example, "soldiers should be able to be airlifted", or "disease from dead bodies that have no been buried, should spread through the populace".

Since it's basic html/js, please keep the ideas primarly to concepts and ideas, rather than things like "well, I never did like helicopter animations in any strat game I've played. You had better make awesome animations".


Since this could possibly get Canadonian and I some income, I decided to place this at the bottom of my blog, since people will probably just go straight to "view comments", to post some off-topic comment.

Anyway, for fairly low and customized prices, you can host your site on 64D's server. Depending on your site, it'll probably only be like $5-$10/month, and we'd have to actually approve the hosting.

I doubt anyone here will want to pay for this, but Canadonian and I offer to host our clients on our server for an extra monthly fee, so I figured I might as well mention that to you guys as well.

…We'll also make you a site, but I doubt you guys will want to pay us a lot of money to do something you'd be able to do with a bit of research.

We'll code you a more-basic version of 64D for a grand? A smaller site for a few hundred?

*shrugs* The main point is that I want your money, and if you want fairly cheap hosting with php/mysql/everything, hosted on a dedicated server with only a few small sites (with the exception of 64D, which barely uses any of the server resources) running on it, let us know.


twisterghost 17 years, 1 month ago

Kilin, webwriting is expensive. Thats considered somewhat cheap.

FireflyX 17 years ago

People do pay that sort of money or more for websites to be made(why i am going into a career doing web development) but i doubt that anyone here could afford to pay that sort of money since most people are still at school, have crappy jobs or no jobs at all.

Castypher 17 years ago

Yeah, designing sites for professional companies is a great wa to make money. That'd be a starting job for me.

Well, it's good to hear Miranda's doing well. Hang in there yourself, FSX.

FireflyX 17 years ago

Wait… he's not charging people for subdomains is he? I thought it was cheap but it's a rip off if it doesn't come with a domain name <_<

flashback 17 years ago

FFX, normal host companies don't come with domains either: for instance, hostgator.

firestormx 17 years ago

In Ontario (A Canadian province) we have a "graduated licensing program". That basically means we first get a G1 (similar to a "learner's permit", or something) which lets you drive with a fully licenced driver who's had their licence for 4+ years, and you're not alowed on certain highways and freeways. The G2 is basically the same as a full licence, but you have to have a blood alcohol level of 0. A full G licence lets you drive with a BA of .08 or something like that.

Firefly: Insurance would be £6000?! £600 sounds about average, but £6000?!

The TBS game is MMO, and it's a lot easier to do this kind of thing (build an interface, accept inputs, etc) with HTML, than with flash.

And I think you missunderstood about the iframe; I was meaning that I would be using ajax as opposed to an iframe.

I've got the basic engine down, and I've got pages and pages and pages of concepts and ideas, but I still want the game to be as comprehensive as possible.

The turns will be about five minutes each, so to fill that time, there'll be lots of orders to give, policies to set, weapons to equip, training to give, fighting to command, etc.

Changeable weapons will in the game, but I don't know about the crate part; things like enemy warehouses, convoys, etc, can be raided to get free stuff.

Coding "basic versions of 64D for free" is something you do. =P

Things like 64D are pretty expensive to have made. A grand is pretty cheap, in comparison to what professional developers charge. $40 bucks an hour for three developers ($120/hour) that takes 100 hours from start to finish, comes to a good $12000…That's kinda the more extreme side of prices, but eh.

And yeah, I know no one's going to want to pay (or be able to pay) for a site; I just figured I'd throw it out there.

Serpex: There won't really be an over-load of menus. There'll be a lot of things to do, but they'll be organized and tucked away nicely; simple to get to, but won't look cluttered. I hope.

FB: AudioBagel came, and ate. Then in a bizare ironic twist, AudioBagel itself was eaten. o.o

Killin: $100/month was her baby bonus from the government. She didn't have a job. =P

The disk space can be like…500MB? I don't know, how much do you need? I highly doubt you'll need 500MB. Bandwidth would be a gig maybe? It depends on what you need; the server's capable of handling pretty much anything you'd need. (Unless it somehow gets larger than 64D)

If you somehow exceed the space and bandwidth, you can easily get it higher and stuff. We're not gonna be complete assholes to you. XD

SY: It was free before, but now it's not. And you don't have free anymore. XD

Edit: I don't know about the subdomain thing. I'd have to talk with Canadonian. (It's not gonna be like $10/year or anything)

The idea though, was that you would have your own domain. I mean c'mon, $10/year? It's not hard to get. =P

Trogdor 17 years ago

What's the server os?

Also, I'll pm you for a bit more info on this.

flashback 17 years ago

The server runs CentOS with Apache 2.something, last I checked.

FireflyX 17 years ago

Insurance would be £6000?! £600 sounds about average, but £6000?!
And that was the cheapest quote i got >_> That's not average it's high because of the car i'm trying to get being a 3.5 litre.

And I think you missunderstood about the iframe; I was meaning that I would be using ajax as opposed to an iframe.
Indeed i did, i thought you were saying you would be using an iframe :p

Coding "basic versions of 64D for free" is something you do. =P
Not often i've only done 3 before but it's good practice.

you know you should blog more often… it is your site after all XD

firestormx 17 years ago

Isnt £6000 like $12000?! You could buy a half-decent car for that.

"Not often i've only done 3 before but it's good practice."

Yeah, it really is.