Music Project: an executive decision!

Posted by firestormx on Jan. 15, 2011, 10:26 p.m.

Alright, so people like the idea of this music collaboration.

Firstly, here's a wav of Aeron's guitar riff and my drums:

That was an original song. But people have suggested making a cover, and juju has agreed that it would be a good way to get us all used to recording together.

Canadonian is pretty much the only one who can do vocals (Acid sort of offered to as well), so we're limited to a song he can sing. He sings Greenday best - yes, I know, greenday sucks fucking balls, and is only succeeded in shittyness by Slipknot, but greenday plays simple stuff, and Canadonian can sing it.

Soooo, I'm making an executive decision to just make a cover of Basketcase by Greenday.

If there's objections, post a comment, but I think we should just get over the hump of trying to come up with a song, and just do a cover of this song.

ANYONE can post their wav of their instrument. Just because one person already played the guitar part and posted it, record it yourself as well, it'll be fun. =D

Also, it doesn't have to be an exact cover. If you want to spice it up, do it.

Then, the different parts can be pieced together to make a few versions.

Edit: Okay, so maybe no Greenday. Suggest something that has easy vocals for Canadonian. =3


Polystyrene Man 14 years, 1 month ago

Hah… I don't mean to bum you out. I could have played Basket Case without a complaint, but I didn't really see many other people jumping in.

(Or people could admit that yes, when you were 14 and it was cool to like Green Day you liked Green Day and that yes, now that you're older and it's cool to dislike Green Day you dislike Green Day - even though you really, honestly think their music sucks, man)

Juju 14 years, 1 month ago

What does my riff sound like over the top?

Acid 14 years, 1 month ago

I like Poly more every time he posts.

Polystyrene Man 14 years, 1 month ago

It fit pretty well… unfortunately I didn't save it because I didn't think we'd be using it, but I could rerecord it if you wanted to give it a listen. Also, I couldn't nail your variation because I'm a bit sluggish on bass.

Juju 14 years, 1 month ago

If you could rerecord, that'd be great. Might be nice to compare it to Toast's as well.