Music Project: an executive decision!

Posted by firestormx on Jan. 15, 2011, 10:26 p.m.

Alright, so people like the idea of this music collaboration.

Firstly, here's a wav of Aeron's guitar riff and my drums:

That was an original song. But people have suggested making a cover, and juju has agreed that it would be a good way to get us all used to recording together.

Canadonian is pretty much the only one who can do vocals (Acid sort of offered to as well), so we're limited to a song he can sing. He sings Greenday best - yes, I know, greenday sucks fucking balls, and is only succeeded in shittyness by Slipknot, but greenday plays simple stuff, and Canadonian can sing it.

Soooo, I'm making an executive decision to just make a cover of Basketcase by Greenday.

If there's objections, post a comment, but I think we should just get over the hump of trying to come up with a song, and just do a cover of this song.

ANYONE can post their wav of their instrument. Just because one person already played the guitar part and posted it, record it yourself as well, it'll be fun. =D

Also, it doesn't have to be an exact cover. If you want to spice it up, do it.

Then, the different parts can be pieced together to make a few versions.

Edit: Okay, so maybe no Greenday. Suggest something that has easy vocals for Canadonian. =3


Quietus 14 years, 1 month ago

nice, we all express our collective disgust at Green Day… and you pick Green Day.

leemcd56 14 years, 1 month ago

I think you guys need a click track because both of your timing is off beat D:

Ronnica 14 years, 1 month ago

make a cover of Basketcase by Greenday.

Yes, well then why don't we just throw some Falloutboy, MCR and Avril Lavigne afterwards?

Cpsgames 14 years, 1 month ago

Why Green Day? Easier isn't always the better >=(

firestormx 14 years, 1 month ago

Alright, so no one likes my executive decision. :(

Do you guys have any suggestions with vocals similar to greenday's? Or at least something with easy vocals.

We looked at what Acid and CPS suggested, and those vocals are a bit too difficult. (Canadonian's never really sang anywhere but in his car before)

It's all just for fun anyway.

By the way, Canadonian and I live together, so that's why I'm talking "for him".

Leem: I kind of noticed Aeron slowed down a little bit, but I thought that was just me and my crappy timing.

There was actually a 30 minute span when I accidentally had my metronome set to 72 bps instead of 76, and I got so frustrated with trying to "line up" the metronome with Aeron's riff, that I started ignoring the metronome. XD

The Avatrol 14 years, 1 month ago

lol, i want in! :D

leemcd56 14 years, 1 month ago

I think he needs a met to be honest lol you're more or less playing at or around 135-140 anyways. Using Audacity one can generate a click track and use that for timing during the whole project.

aeron 14 years, 1 month ago

I didn't slow down I played along with a drum track I sequenced, if it was looped at the right time it works out. And it's definitely 76 bpm :/

I'm thinking I might just finish it on my own. See, when I write riffs I usually have an idea in my head how the rest will sound and even though I only posted the riff I have the rest of the parts sketched out too (I've also written more of the song as it is). What I might just do is finish it then post the stems for other people to mess with

Moikle 14 years, 1 month ago

how is green day bad?

Juju 14 years, 1 month ago

Main groove:





t| 1 e a e 2 e a e 3 e a e 4 e a e






t| 1 e a e 2 e a e 3 e & a e 4 e a e

That'd sound nice with some overdrive, treble turned up and played with a pick (I'm doing the gallop on the variation with my fingers, I don't know how easy it is to play that with a pick).