Music Project: an executive decision!

Posted by firestormx on Jan. 15, 2011, 10:26 p.m.

Alright, so people like the idea of this music collaboration.

Firstly, here's a wav of Aeron's guitar riff and my drums:

That was an original song. But people have suggested making a cover, and juju has agreed that it would be a good way to get us all used to recording together.

Canadonian is pretty much the only one who can do vocals (Acid sort of offered to as well), so we're limited to a song he can sing. He sings Greenday best - yes, I know, greenday sucks fucking balls, and is only succeeded in shittyness by Slipknot, but greenday plays simple stuff, and Canadonian can sing it.

Soooo, I'm making an executive decision to just make a cover of Basketcase by Greenday.

If there's objections, post a comment, but I think we should just get over the hump of trying to come up with a song, and just do a cover of this song.

ANYONE can post their wav of their instrument. Just because one person already played the guitar part and posted it, record it yourself as well, it'll be fun. =D

Also, it doesn't have to be an exact cover. If you want to spice it up, do it.

Then, the different parts can be pieced together to make a few versions.

Edit: Okay, so maybe no Greenday. Suggest something that has easy vocals for Canadonian. =3


firestormx 14 years, 1 month ago

Aeron: It was my crappy timing then, you didn't slow down. XD

And I know it was at 76 bpm, I was the one who messed up my metronome.

Moikkle: Greenday is bad in that they write crappy music, yet are incredibly popular, and people actually refer to them as punk. Similarly, Slipknot is a bunch of whiney fucks, who are retardedly popular, and claim to be metal. It doesn't help that they have a drummer who is only half decent, yet people say he's one of the best drummers in music, or the fastest on the pedals, etc.

But back to greenday, their music irriates me, and people's perception of them irritates me more.

btw, if you like greenday, you should listen to some Alkaline Trio. I actually like them, and they're like a less boring version of Greenday. The lyrics can be whiney most of the time, but it's a great band, with some entertaining drummers.

Anyway, I don't want to kill this project by sitting around trying to find a song that we can agree on to cover. I know Aeron wants to finish the song himself, but should we just bastardize his riff, put Juju's groove on it, and call it a completed 16-measure song, and come up with some more original stuff?

shawn 14 years, 1 month ago

We do music now too? I love this place.

Toast 14 years, 1 month ago

This is what I played initially. It's really interesting to see what different things everyone comes up with to the same music!


D|—————1-*—————| *slight bend for no reason



t| 1 e a e 2 e a e 3 e a e 4 e a e


D|—————1-*—1h3-343-1—| (343 is 3b4b3)



t| 1 e a e 2 e a e 3 e a e 4 e a e

sk8m8trix 14 years, 1 month ago

Greenday fucking sucks. Basketcase sucks harder. There like a million things that would be easier to cover, like Should I stay or should I go by The Clash.

Don't be faggots.

Juju 14 years, 1 month ago

Whoops, made a mistake in my tab. Now corrected.

Mush 14 years, 1 month ago

Can we do a song with a saxophone part lol.

Acid 14 years, 1 month ago

Well… I tried to sing the first line to see if you guys think this fits my voice.

I don't really, but I recorded it anyway. (Also, I've never heard this song before and I only listened to it about three times before I tried singing it here. :P)

Eva unit-01 14 years, 1 month ago

Wait. Green Day sucks? Oh well, each to their own haha.

firestormx 14 years, 1 month ago

Greenday does suck. >:(

Steven: I know. :(

But on the upside, it's difficult to tell how bad my stick control is, due to the drum set being electric. Whether I hit the snare in the middle, or to the side, it sounds the same. But more importantly, the symbols sound so much better than when I had my acoustic set (and not just because my acoustic set was a piece of crap with awful symbols), and the volume of the bass pedal could be adjusted.

Mush: record some trumpet (doesn't matter if it's covered from another song), and I'll diddle around on the drums with that. =D

Hopefully these music snobs won't mock me as much. *turns nose up towards Steven*

Acid: You posted vocals! =O

I'm gonna be honest, and tell you that you don't have the best voice I've ever heard…*gets up and stands beside Steven and turns nose up towards acid*

But it's something. It's been confirmed that you can sing.

Now go steal some lyrics, and paste them over Aeron's riff. XD

Oh yeah, and toast and juju - I have no idea what sheet music for bass would sound like. One of you should have proper recording equipment by now. =D

Acid 14 years, 1 month ago

Yeah… I don't really have a pop/pop-punk-y voice. I'm mixed. :P

Like I said, if it's a formal piece (I have a solo in our Solo and Ensemble competition here) or even just a song I actually know, I sound better.