It's 64D's, umm…Whatever many years of uptime it's been since creation of it…birthday.
Assume that was a number, and say it is 64D's 8th Birthday on the 22nd (tomorrow for me, but it's already the 22nd for Europe).SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND WHATNOT.Yeaaaaah.Also, drunken teamspeak night is rollin', so come join in.I would post some stats like in previous years, but I don't have any right now.Steven, if you want to make a banner for the birthay< DO IT.
This was also the day the second season of My Little Pony ended. :(
Lol, I just went on wayback machine. I was hilarious:
happy earth day
Poor MLP. And poor earth. :(
Toast: Where was that from?Definitely christmas of 2005, I was *very* (perhaps too much) active here back then.
ah yes i think it was Christmas! yay for being super oldies ^_^
I'll tell you what, after school is out, I will definitely be coming around to these weekend socials.
And maybe even get a webcam.