64D tour of America!

Posted by firestormx on April 26, 2012, 9:34 a.m.

Well, at least the north eastern part of America. Maybe more depending on demand.

Canadonian and I are planning to come down and visit the US from Friday June 1st to Sunday June 10th (we have to be home by Sunday), so that's 10 days, and 9 nights.

SO. We don't really have any plans, except that I want to go to Virginia again, and that we're doing this to have an adventure, and visit as many 64D members as we can. I do realize that most of you will have moved out of your dorms by then, so you won't all be concentrated in large cities, but we'll try.

I was thinking of doing a circle, where we enter the US through Detroit and visit Michigan people, like Rez, then roll through Ohio and meet Acid and Chiken, and then a mishmash of Virginia, Maryland, The Commonwealth of Pencil, New York, and maybe go all the way up to Maine.

That's what I was thinking, but that's without anyone telling me where they live or to come visit.

Let me know where you live, and we'll try plot our course to visit you. If you can give us shelter for a night, that'd be cool (TWISTERGHOST DID IT LAST TIME. DO YOU REALLY WANT TG TO BE BETTER THAN YOU?!), but if you can't, we'd still like to visit, and at least go for a meal or something.

It doesn't have to just be these states either. If you live anywhere in the US (even out west) post your city and state, and we'll see if it's worth spending half our trip driving across the US.

tl;dr: Canadonian and I are rolling through the US starting on June 1st. Post your city and state so we can visit you, and/or spend a night at your place.

I don't mean to overshadow the RPG comp, but I'm gonna pin this 'cause I really want people to let us stay at their place, 'cause sleeping in cars is uncomfortable. =3

Update: Here's a list of states, and who's there.

Update again: New list

Probable locations:

Michigan: Arc (Western), Alert Games (North of Detroit)

Ohio: Chiken (Cincinnati), Snakeman (Columbus), Acid (Warren)

Commonwealth of Pencil: JID, Other

Virginia: Zac1790 (Gloucester), other (VA Beach)

New York: colseed (South East)

Mass: Poly, EV

Rhode Island: Purianite

Places we won't go by (sad face):

Texas: Pounce and Reidd (El Paso), DF (Richardson), Kenon, Seleney (Houston), kabob/Kamira (Forth Worth)

Missouri: CPS (St Joseph)

Kansas: Obeilsk

Mississippi: Leemcd56

Utah: Kilin

Alabama: Hel

Colorado: Eva-unit-01

Arizona: McFluffeh

California: Cyrus, Ferret, LAR, Mush (San Diego)

Indiana: RC (North central)

Atlanta: Meow44 (Georgia)

Google maps: Map

I think it'd be awesome to fly around to some states as well once we're in the US - that way we can actually visit Cali, but it's not cheap. :(


Praying Mantis 12 years, 10 months ago

Australia, Southern Hemisphere. I'll be waiting.

Rob 12 years, 10 months ago

FSX, come to Vancouver! You'll fit in great with all the asians Canadians.

sirxemic 12 years, 10 months ago

If I had the money and the time I might have booked myself a plane to the US. I want to meet some of you guys. :P

Moikle 12 years, 10 months ago

we have to do that sometime, but it would take like a full year of planning or more.

and also when everyone is over 18

sirxemic 12 years, 10 months ago

Who isn't over 18?

firestormx 12 years, 10 months ago

Kilin: But I must have you. </3

Also, normally I do have to take a piss after an hour or two, but it really isn't as diuretic to me as to a lot of other people. I don't know why, but when I'm drunk on TS (I haven't gotten as hammered as that first night yet, though), I don't have to pee as much.

Rez: Where exactly are you (which city)? We can "take care" of your parents if you wish.

Zhiko: Canada is fucking huge. Maybe one day we'll do it. In the mean time, come to Ontario and meet us instead. XD


LAR: We don't have to actually go in your house. Just let us sleep in the backyard. :(

Snakeman: You know the dates. >:(

Also, I was thinking about it, we may or may not sleep over. 'Cause if we end up visiting Arc, then heading back to our US-entering-point to stay at Acid's overnight, you're only 4 hours from there (I assume Acid is actually in MI, and not in Ohio), then we'll need to make up quite a bit of time. I dunno, it depends. We'll definitely visit though.

AG: Aren't there enough gangs in Detroit? We can probably get a group going, between you, Acid, and Arc. We'll probably have to chaufer people around though, 'cause fuckin' Arc is in the wrong location.

RC: I hear Indiana is crap. :(

But you bring up a good point. A lot of these meet-ups are going to be full of awkward silence if YOU aren't the one talking, and Canadonian goes to the bathroom.

Pounce: We'll be driving. We can pick up anyone. ANYONE.

Mush: Friggin' California. :(

SMP: I wouldn't mind visiting Australia. I saw someone offering to buy m00t a plane ticket to Australia the other day. You should do the same.

Rob: Fuck you. Again. Racist bastard. Though I do hate getting calls from the Chinese in BC. Fuckin' Chinese. There's a reason they always fall so easily to Japan's might.

sxc: (I like this short form, ever since I saw whats-his-face use it) A lot of people actually aren't over 18 now. Also, it'd be fuckin' cool to take 2 weeks off work, rent a bus, fly people in (you'd have to pay for the tickets), and do a North American tour, where we drive the Europeans around.

Astryl 12 years, 10 months ago

Going South? I recommend taking the extra time to hop over the ocean to South Africa, then you can take a quick swing up to Juju and Stevenup >;3

McFluffeh 12 years, 10 months ago

Or we can rent some kind of convention center, and have our first annual 64dCon, where we rent about a hundred computers and have gamemaking contests, lan parties and drink tons of alcohol.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 10 months ago

I've gotten invitations to some of the East Coast schools, but just picked Texas because it's so much closer than Massachussetts … :/

RC 12 years, 10 months ago

Indiana's alright if you like corn/bean fields and lots and lots of whales (of the human variety.)

We should all gather in Indiana and head to Indiana Beach; an amusement park with roller coasters and a bunch of other new crap since I was last there, as well as a beach on Lake Shafer in Monticello, IN!