Read this for free RPG stuff, or die. (null)

Posted by firestormx on June 8, 2006, 11:48 p.m.


I completed this project, so now there's no point to this blog.

I will give you free stuff in the RPG for a price.

I'll be you don't even know what an oxymoron is, so stop yelling it at me. <_<

Anyway, I've got a wee predicament.

Okay, I'm tight for time, and need this done by Monday…My Mathematics of Data Mangement course requires me to write a 10-15 page report about something.

<span style="font-size: 14px;">If you want to get something in the RPG</span>, I would like a report outline. It doesn't even have to be a page long.

The assignment is to come up with a question, and then answer it. So I need you to come up with a question, preferably a comparison question, (maybe write an introduction paragraph) and then a couple bits of evidence, arguments, completed tests, statistics, etc, that could be used to help answer that question.

You don't have to anything too crazy and long, 'cause I'll be filling it up with charts and random bs, but I need a basis done before I can do that. The arguments and stuff don't even have to be real, so long as they make sense.

And don't worry about your grammar, or layout, or anything like that. I'm gonna be fixing it all up. I don't care if some 8th grader does this. XD


Does the ammount of sleep a student get affect their grades?

If a student sleeps all the time, no work will get done.

If a student is too tired to focus, work wil be done poorly.

If a student sleeps too much, s/he may be too energized to sit and do work.

If student does other activities, and then sits down to do work around bed time, the student should get less sleep.

Therefore, yes, the sleep a student gets does affect the grades. *explains why it affects it, etc*

Of course, you'll have to make it a bit longer than that, and elaborate a bit on the arguments, but I'll be adding a lot to it, along with graphs and stuff, so don't worry too much about it. (btw, try have some of the arguments able to have comparison graphs and tables and stuff)

If you do this, then post what you want in the RPG, along with the report "outline/rough draft" you've written (or upload it if it's in doc/rtf/whatever format) and if I use it, I'll haggle you down to like 100 digits or something. [;)]

But seriously, I really want this done, so <span style="font-size: 14px;">I will be pretty generous with the RPG stuff.</span>

P.s. Even if I decide that your draft is not worthy of my editing, you might still get some RPG stuff, so EVERYONE had better start typing this weekend. <_<


I have decided to use magicman657's outline, which can be viewed here.

You can still get some RPG stuff by elaborating on it some more.


firestormx 18 years, 8 months ago

Woah, sorry I haven't replied in here. I've been really busy writing the other two ISUs. XD

Anyway, I really like Magicman657's outline, I'll use that. If anyone wants to elaborate on it some more, you can still get some RPG stuff.

mrpacman0 will get something too…Whatdya want?

penguin dude can have some digits or something. XD

The rest of you didn't really have the kind of stuff that I'd be able to make up calculations, predictuions, and all that jazz for.

And to the rest of you calling me lazy: YOU'RE ALL JUST JEALOUS THAT YOU DON'T HAVE 1000 USERS TO ORDER AROUND.

And etpayn, the RPG is something that you can turn on in your prefs.

Magicman657 18 years, 8 months ago

Er, there's still the matter of the… stuffs…

Eternal 18 years, 8 months ago

alright, thanks, I've been gone for a while.

rockyran 18 years, 8 months ago

Dang…I wish I had 1000 users to order around…

Cesar 18 years, 8 months ago

hey firestorm, can I get a sacrament blade?? if not, can i get a unique weapon stronger than my own, mine kind of sucks…

Rez 18 years, 8 months ago

hey firestorm, can I be an admin??

ludamad 18 years, 8 months ago

Can I be a mod!?

Whoever edited this to say "Can I be a mom!?" is getting it <_<

Josea 18 years, 8 months ago

Can I be a mod!?

And to the rest of you calling me lazy: YOU'RE ALL JUST JEALOUS THAT YOU DON'T HAVE 1000 USERS TO ORDER AROUND.
You can say things for us to do, but it's up to us to do it or not ;)

Alx 18 years, 8 months ago

So I didn't do too bads yeah my summer brain is in the work and Im still smart enoguh to do an older kids homework yay.

Ya can I make a custom weapon

Tasm 18 years, 8 months ago

I believe you can un-sticky this blog now fsx.