I'm heading out the door to attend the birthday party of someone here on 64Digits.
Guess who that member is, and you get a free non-banning.But guess wrong, and you will be banned.I'm going to edit this later to maybe have a 64D meet-up picture.I'm heading out the door to attend the birthday party of someone here on 64Digits.
Guess who that member is, and you get a free non-banning.But guess wrong, and you will be banned.I'm going to edit this later to maybe have a 64D meet-up picture.
Is it me, maybe?
Wish Kilin a happy birthday for me!
Is it Steven's? Are you flying to Ireland?
*Pulls out his cheat sheet*
Nope. Don't have a clue.Yikes the ages on there are outdated.
That would be a hell of a drive, in entirely the wrong month.
Yes, it's Toast.
Your own party.
I swear to god if it's Rawrspoon, you don't want to get in bed with that guy.
It's not that he's hung like a horse or anything or terrible at pleasuring people or anything like that though.I mean metaphorically.Though he is fun to drink with!